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 September 20, 2023

World leaders fail to show up for Joe Biden's UN speech

Major world leaders failed to attend President Joe Biden's speech at the United Nations General Assembly.

Leaders from Russia, China and India did not participate in the UN gathering of 145 nations, while other leaders were at the event but did not attend Biden's speech.

The concern

“While [U.K. Prime Minister Rishi] Sunak and [French President Emmanuel] Macron have an excuse, I do think it is telling that they are absent,” Richard Gowan, U.N. Director for the International Crisis Group, told CBS.

“That said, I think the General Assembly is a good opportunity for Biden and [U.S. Secretary of State Antony] Blinken to work on firming up U.S. ties with non-Western leaders while Xi and Putin are absent,” Gowan added.

Trump rips speech

"Former President Donald Trump, who is hoping to limit Biden's presidency to one term in 2024, is calling the speech a 'surrender,' Townhall reported.

"Biden just finished his surrender (“speech”) at the United Nations, and nobody, despite all we give them, showed up. No respect for America any longer!" Trump posted on Truth Social.

Mumbling Biden

Biden also struggled to read from the teleprompters again during parts of his UN speech Tuesday.

“Russia alone bears responsibility for this war. Russia alone has the power to end this war immediately. And it’s Russia alone that stands in the way of peace,” Biden said.

“I want to be clear and consistent: We seek to responsibly manage the competition between our countries so it does not tip into conflict. I’ve said we are for de-risking, not decoupling on China,” he added.

The president focused mainly on climate change and little on the biggest threats facing the nation and world, which would include Russia's aggression or China's human rights abuses.

“If we allow Ukraine to be carved up, is the independence of any nation secure? I respectfully suggest the answer is no. We have to stand up to this naked aggression today and deter other would-be aggressors tomorrow,” Biden said.

Biden instead emphasized unity with Ukraine, as President Volodymyr Zelensky also spoke Tuesday at the event, urging other nations to join in support of the war effort against Russia.

Written By:
Dillon Burroughs

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