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 July 12, 2023

Will Cornel West's Third Party Run Help Trump Defeat Biden?

Former Trump staff member Kellyanne Conway said Cornel West's third party presidential run could help the former president defeat President Joe Biden in 2024.

Conway shared the comments during an interview on Fox News.

The remarks

“If you play to win and you are Cornel West and you are still not satisfied with the trajectory of the Democratic Party being progressive enough for you under a Biden-Harris administration, then you’ll run to the left of them,” Conway said.

“Number two, he will make a play for people who feel forgotten and feel abandoned by this Democratic Party and feel like nobody is listening to them and including them. That’s part of how Trump won in 2016, but I think he can do it from the Left,” she concluded.

Spoiler alert?

“The answer to that is yes. It’s very likely,” Conway said in response to Walter’s question.

"Amy Walter is onto something, and I’ll tell you why: Even if you don’t become president, you, as a third-party candidate spoiler, can decide who is the president.”

The Perot Example

"Even if you don’t become president, you as a third-party candidate spoiler can decide who is the president," Conway noted concerning Ross Perot.

"This happened in 1992 when we had Bush-41 as the incumbent and a guy named Bill Clinton, the Arkansas governor, got elected with 43.5% of the vote because Ross Perot got 19% of the popular vote, even though he didn’t rack up any electoral votes," she added.

Biden also faces both Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Marianne Williamson as Democratic candidates opposing him in the primaries.

Among Republicans, Trump currently leads in polls against a large field of GOP contenders, with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in the clear second position.

It's still early in the 2024 election cycle but the current shape of the race shows a Biden-Trump rematch with a third-party candidate who could be the spoiler for the Biden administration, potentially ending Biden's time in the White House after one term and returning Trump in a comeback bid.

Written By:
Dillon Burroughs

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