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 June 22, 2023

White House scrambles to change transcript after President Biden forgets what year it is

President Joe Biden slipped up again and seemed to forget what year it was during a speech on Monday where he promised to increase conservation substantially by the year 2020.

While it may be 2020 for 80 year old President Biden, for the rest of us it is 2023. Appearing alongside California Governor Gavin Newsom at the Lucy Evans Baylands Nature Interpretive Center in Palo Alto, California, President Biden wasted no time in reminding Americans that he is not all there.

Biden went from fearmongering about the “the existential threat" that climate change presents before pivoting and attacking "MAGA Republicans."

But it was his conservation statement that raised eyebrows. Biden said, "And maybe most important, I’ve committed by 2020 we will have conserved 30% of all the lands and waters the United States has jurisdiction over and simultaneously reduce emissions to blunt climate impacts."

Biden lost again

Americans who are wondering why President Biden doesn't make more public appearances got their answer on Monday.

President Biden can't make it through a short speech without making it painfully apparent that he should have retired from politics years ago.

The White House was forced to make numerous corrections to the official transcript in order to cover up President Biden's multiple errors.

In just 11-minutes President Biden gave Republicans more ammunition for next year's campaign ads. One can only imagine what will happen when the President has to do an hour long debate with former President Donald Trump.

Even back in 2019 during the lead up to the 2020 presidential election, Biden was exhibiting troubling signs of declining health.

That didn't stop Democrats from irresponsibly pushing a man in declining health into the Oval Office. Now he is expected to go head-to-head with figures like Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping.

Biden won't last

Biden's Palo Alto speech is yet another reminder that there is next to no chance of him lasting through another term as President.

If he somehow wins the election, he will likely step aside in favor of Vice President Kamala Harris, a figure who would never win a national election on her own.

Of course, at this point even Kamala Harris, word salad and all, would be an upgrade when it comes to projecting America's power internationally.

President Biden is the single greatest argument in favor of age limits for Presidents and Congressional members. It is both a national security risk and a disservice to the American people to prop up geriatric figureheads who simply cover for unelected bureaucrats.

Written By:
Robert Hoel

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