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 June 29, 2023

White House removes all of Hunter Biden's visits from the visitors logs

The White House has been scrubbing all of Hunter Biden's visits from the beginning of Joe Biden's presidency through this February

Fox News Digital investigated the logs and cross referenced events when Hunter Biden was confirmed to be at the White House for events like the annual egg roll and his daughters wedding in November 2022. They found that none of Hunter Biden's visits had been recorded.

Fox News reported, "A majority of the White House visits that Fox News Digital found were from 2022, which include the annual egg roll, Medal of Freedom ceremony, France State Dinner on the South Lawn, Christmas tree lighting, his daughter’s wedding, among others. However, they are all absent from the visitor logs, including what appear to be extended stays at the White House."

It appears that the Biden administration wasn't keen on leaving a paper trail of Hunter Biden's many visits to the White House. Now with what we know about his corrupt activities, we know why the White House was so diligent in scrubbing records.

Most transparent administration in history

President Biden claimed soon after he was sworn into office that he would put together the "most transparent [administration] in American history."

Nearly everything that has happened since President Biden was sworn in as President has made it clear that he never intended to keep that promise.

Hunter Biden has masked his corrupt business meetings at White House events for years. Even as far back as the Obama years, Hunter Biden was using the White House as a meeting place for business associates and partners.

The White House quickly pointed to a policy saying, "The White House will not release access records related to purely personal guests of the First and Second Families (i.e., visits that do not involve any official or political business)."

How convenient for the Biden family. Hunter Biden is free to come and go and there will be no record of it which wouldn't be as alarming if we didn't know what we now know.

The big guy

Thanks to information from Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop as well as whistleblower testimony, we now know that President Biden is involved with Hunter Biden's corrupt business deals and bribery schemes.

A statement from one of Hunter Biden's business partners, recovered from Biden's laptop said, "If they lose, honestly, I don’t think that the Big Guy really cares about that because he’ll be too busy focusing on all the other s–t he is doing."

Other information has since confirmed that the "Big Guy" is indeed President Biden as many have suspected since the laptop was discovered in 2019.

US Navy veteran Tony Bobulinski, who was a former associate of Hunter Biden, testified nearly three years ago that the President is involved in Hunter Biden's business.

The White House's attempts at hiding Hunter Biden's visits needs to be dealt with. The House Oversight Committee will likely be asking more questions as part of the greater investigation into the Biden family business.

Written By:
Robert Hoel

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