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 August 19, 2023

White House charged with refusing to meet with Gold Star family's of service members killed in Afghanistan

Gold Star families of service members killed in Afghanistan have accused the White House of refusing to meet with them.

President Biden and his administration have refused to discuss the suicide bombing that killed 13 service members during the evacuation of Afghanistan.

The families of those who gave their lives have been ignored by the administration and some families claim that the Biden administration lied to them about the circumstances of their loved one's passing.

The evacuation of U.S. forces from Afghanistan was a disaster that many blame President Biden for. So it isn't surprising to see the Biden administration try and minimize their role in the crisis.

What is a surprise is to see the administration stonewalling and ignoring the families of those brave service members who died on the line of duty.

White House digging in

White House National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby appeared for an interview on Thursday for CNN’s “The Lead,” where he responded to the allegations from Gold Star families.

During that interview, Host Jake Tapper said, "Last week, I spoke to a Gold Star mom who lost her son at Abbey Gate two years ago, in Afghanistan, Staff Sgt. Taylor Hoover. She’s testified to Congress. In her view, the Biden administration lied to her about how her son died."

Tapper then asked Kirby, "Do you think President Biden is willing to meet with any of these Gold Star families or talk publicly more about what happened at Abbey Gate two years ago?"

Kirby responded by saying, "He certainly has talked about Afghanistan and the decision to withdraw and the evacuation and how it was conducted. We have conducted after-action reports, we’ve shared information with Congress and the public to the degree that we can. The President and the first lady continue to grieve with all the Gold Star families, and especially those who were killed in that terrible day at Abbey Gate."

At no point did Kirby address the specific allegations from Staff Sgt. Hoover's mother that the Biden administration lied to her.

Instead Kirby went on a rant filled with finally crafted speech designed to distract from the accusations. Kirby stated, "There’s not a day that goes by that he and the first lady aren’t thinking about them, mourning with them, and understanding the loss and the sacrifice and the anguish that they’re still feeling. And you could hear it in that soundbite clearly there. And we understand that. And we’re going to stay with them and support them for the rest of their lives, as we should, as they deserve to."

The Biden administration clearly mishandled Afghanistan and yet they refuse to be accountable.

No accountability

Even in the immediate aftermath of the horrific suicide bombing outside the Kabul airport, the Biden administration was clamping down on information and doing damage control.

President Biden's mishandling of the Afghanistan evacuation made America look weak on the world stage and emboldened our enemies. His handling of Afghanistan alone is enough to warrant his removal from office.

Written By:
Robert Hoel

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