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 September 7, 2023

VP Harris says she's ready to 'take over' the presidency if need be

Vice President Kamala Harris just confirmed many Americans' worst possible nightmare -- that sometime in the future, she's prepared to "take over" the White House from President Joe Biden. 

Although anyone who's watched even a few seconds of the cackling vice president knows that she's nowhere near ready for such a task, she was recently asked about it during an interview with the Associated Press, the Daily Caller reported.

Her assertion that she's ready to sit in the Oval Office, should the need arise, came after she was -- surprisingly -- asked about Biden's age-related issues.

Harris downplayed the idea that Biden could exit the presidency before his term is over, saying he's "fine" and insisting that such a scenario isn't going to happen. To say that's dishonest would be an understatement.

"Joe Biden is going to be fine, so that is not going to come to fruition," Harris said.

She added, "But let us also understand that every vice president — every vice president — understands that when they take the oath they must be very clear about the responsibility they may have to take over the job of being president."

"I’m no different," the vice president added.

Even though virtually every relevant poll indicates that Americans are overwhelming concerned about Biden's age, even among Democrats, Harris spread more disinformation during the interview, touting his record, which is certainly nothing to brag about.

"I see him every day. A substantial amount of time we spend together is in the Oval Office, where I see how his ability to understand issues and weave through complex issues in a way that no one else can to make smart and important decisions on behalf of the American people have played out,” she told AP.

She added, "And so I will say to you that I think the American people ultimately want to know that their president delivers. And Joe Biden delivers."

The only thing President Biden has "delivered" is unaffordable grocery and gas prices, and most Americans are very much aware of that.

Truly, the only thing worse than a Biden presidency would be a Harris presidency. Given Biden's rapid and shocking age-related decline, sadly, we're closer to a Harris presidency than ever before.

Only time will tell if we get to that point, but if we do, we'll need to start praying for the fate of America, hard.

Written By:
Ryan Ledendecker

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