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 March 18, 2023

VP Harris is only receiving 'tepid support' from Senate Dems: report

According to a new, exclusive report from the Daily Caller, Senate Democrats are not offering Vice President Kamala Harris the sort of support that one might expect. 

"Amid media reports questioning her political acumen and base competence, Democrats in the Senate are offering tepid support for Vice President Kamala Harris," the outlet reports.

The Daily Caller bases its report on interviews that it recently conducted with Senate Democrats and Independents.

Of these U.S. senators, the Daily Caller reports:

[F]our Democratic or Independent senators declined to say whether they would endorse Harris remaining on the executive ticket as vice president in 2024, four others apparently deferred their decision to [U.S. President Joe] Biden, and nine offered a direct endorsement.

The reader might be surprised to learn that there are some pretty big names on the list of those who declined to offer support for Harris, including U.S. Sens. Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

Those who deferred their decision on whom to support for vice president in 2024 to Biden include U.S. Sens. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Ben Cardin (D-MD), and Jon Ossoff (D-GA).

And, those who unambiguously came out in support of Harris include U.S. Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Raphael Warnock (D-GA), Chris Murphy (D-CT), Jon Tester (D-MT), and others.

It's not that surprising that Harris's support among Democratic Senators is far from unanimous. During the first years of the Biden administration, she has proven herself to be one of the most unpopular and unsuccessful vice presidents in U.S. history.

Currently, according to Real Clear Politics, Harris has an average favorability rating of only 38.8%. It has been significantly lower at times, dropping below 30% on specific polls.

With this in mind, one might expect Biden, in pursuing reelection in 2024, to seek a different, more popular running mate. But, Biden has insisted that, despite Harris's unpopularity, he is going to stick with Harris in 2024.

Biden, in January, was asked two things: whether he was happy with the job Harris is doing and whether he was going to, once again, make her his vice president in 2024. Biden answered affirmatively to both.

"She’s going to be my running mate, number one, and, number two, I did put her in charge. I think she’s doing a good job," Biden said.

Harris, herself, has also indicated that it is her intention to, once again, be Biden's running mate in 2024.

Add this to the long list of strong reasons not to vote for Biden in 2024.

Written By:
Oliver Winters

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