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 July 20, 2023

Viral video of Biden and the Israeli President in the Oval Office seems to show Biden falling asleep

President Joe Biden appeared to drift off or become confused while talking with Israeli President Isaac Herzog in the Oval Office on Tuesday.

The aging president's when he dipped his head and seemed to mumble. This made many people believe he was going sleep, as a report in The Conservative Brief pointed out.

Also, it looked like Biden was using note cards while Herzog wasn't, which was a striking difference. The Israeli leader told NBC News that the meeting was "wonderful," but the video clip that went viral showed that when Biden was mumbling, Herzog just seemed to agree with him.

At the same time, the fact that Herzog was called to the White House but not Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was controversial in and of itself. But it comes at a time when ties between the U.S. and Israel are at a low point because Biden freely criticized Netanyahu's plan to change the way the courts work.

When asked in March if he planned to bring Netanyahu to the White House, Biden said, "Not in the near future." This caused some people in Israel to criticize him. But during a phone call on Monday, Biden did invite the prime minister.

People on Twitter were brutally honest about how they felt about the "sleeping Biden" video.

“Imagine watching this video and then thinking to yourself, ‘Yep. I want four more years of that,'” Greg Price noted, The Western Journal noted.

Fox News host Harris Faulkner wrote, “Someone please check on the President. Seriously," while commentator Benny Johnson mocked: "When there is no more cocaine in the White House.”

The majority of voters are very or somewhat concerned about Biden's mental health and fitness heading into the 2024 election, according to a June survey.

Sixty-eight percent of registered voters, according to a new national survey conducted for NBC News, have moderate to significant concerns about Biden “not having the necessary mental and physical health” to be president, a staggering 17-point increase from when voters were asked the same question in October 2020.

A smaller percentage of voters, but still a majority of 55%, held the same opinion about former President Donald Trump, who recently turned 77. A survey published in May uncovered similar conclusions and opinions regarding Biden.

An NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll reveals that a majority of Americans, 62 percent to 36 percent, believe Biden lacks the mental capacity to serve as president beyond his first term.

“Biden did, however, actually see a slight increase in his approval rating to 45%, up 4 points from last month. That indicates there will likely be a significant number of people who believe there are serious concerns about Biden’s mental fitness but will vote for him anyway,” NPR reported.

Written By:
Charlotte Tyler

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