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 August 21, 2023

U.S. rep. calls for an investigation into the special counsel appointed to the Hunter Biden case

U.S. Rep. Gary Palmer (R-AL) wants Congress to investigate David Weiss for obstruction of justice. 

Palmer said as much during a recent interview on Mobile, AL radio FM Talk 106.5.

Weiss - a U.S. attorney from Delaware - has made countless news headlines in recent months and for good reason.

As the U.S. attorney from Delaware, Weiss is the man who gave Hunter Biden the "sweetheart" plea deal that has now been rejected by a judge. Weiss attempted to help Hunter Biden avoid jail time by having him plead guilty to lesser, slap-on-the-wrist-type misdemeanor charges.

The reader likely knows that there is much controversy about how much power Weiss actually had in investigating Hunter Biden. U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland has claimed that Weiss had whatever power he needed, but this has been credibly disputed by whistleblowers.

Despite all of this controversy, Garland, more recently, selected Weiss to be the special counsel to investigate the suspect international business dealings of Hunter Biden.

It is amid this backdrop that Palmer appeared on FM Talk 106.5. There, Palmer argued that Garland, in appointing Weiss, broke the government rules that govern the appointment of special counsels.

"But here’s the interesting thing . . . first of all, the special counsel law is pretty plain, and the special counsel should come from outside the federal government," Palmer said. "Apparently, Merrick Garland didn’t read it because David Weiss is a U.S. Attorney."

Many experts have pointed out this fact, namely, the fact that a special counsel, according to government rules, is supposed to come from outside of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). Yet, Weiss, as a U.S. attorney, is within the DOJ.

It is likely that, at some point, Garland will be asked by Congress to explain himself, here. It will be interesting to see how he tries to squirm his way out of this one.

But, Palmer wants to go further. He wants Congress to investigate Weiss for obstruction of justice.

Palmer said:

If you recall, when we had the IRS investigators in, the whistleblowers, I asked Gary Shapley, who was the supervisor overseeing that investigation of Hunter Biden, were they denied access to the FBI’s form 1023, which was very clear about what was going on with the Ukrainian gas company Burisma. He said he was denied. He did not have access. I asked him if there were other materials or documents that would have been critical to their investigation that he was denied. He said, "Yes sir, the laptop," and there were other documents.

Palmer goes on to note that Weiss "denied access to these documents to the investigators to the point that the statute of limitations expired." Accordingly, Palmer said that Weiss ought to be investigated for obstruction of justice.

It is currently unclear whether there is enough support in Congress to launch such an investigation into Weiss.

Written By:
Oliver Winters

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