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 June 30, 2023

Tucker Carlson predicts Gavin Newsom will succeed Joe Biden for the presidency

The Democratic Party has a major issue brewing regarding the health and longevity of the often-confused, elderly President Joe Biden.

Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who now hosts a wildly popular short-form Twitter show, made a series of downright chilling observations as the 2024 election inches closer, going as far as predicting that Biden will ultimately need to be replaced, which poses a "succession problem" for the DNC.

Carlson first pointed to the developing scandal regarding the bribery scheme currently being investigated by the House Oversight Committee, and noted that recent text messages from Hunter Biden prove that his father, the president, was well aware of his foreign business dealings.

President Biden has long denied any remote awareness of his son's influence-peddling scheme.

Carlson also noted that no matter what evidence is presented, it seems, the mainstream media continues to run cover for him, adding that for any other president, the scandal would be enough to force them out of office or at least out of the running for the next election.

"The people who control Joe Biden — Susan Rice and the rest — know they can continue to run our government, writing the press releases, formulating the policies, and they can do it effectively forever, as long as Joe Biden gets dressed in the morning, and of course that’s their strong preference," the former Fox host said.

"In a year or two, he will be gone completely, and there will be no hiding it,” Carlson said. “At that point, the Democratic Party will face a succession problem," Carlson added.

He went on to speculate what that problem might look like and how it might unfold, noting that nobody in the party truly wants Vice President Kamala Harris at the helm.

"If Joe Biden is reelected next year and then forced to leave office during his term due to disability or death, that means Kamala Harris will become president of the United States," Carlson added. "And nobody wants that, not even her husband."

That's when he pivoted to his theory regarding the only person he believes could fit the bill as far as the Democratic Party's replacement option -- California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D).

"Obviously, this is all just guessing, but we do know whoever that is will have to have two essential criteria: he’ll have to be as shallow, ruthless, and transactional as Joe Biden is, and he’ll need to have flattery skills that are so polished and advanced they’d be considered superior even in the Saudi Royal Court."

He added: "And there’s only one man in modern America who fits that description: Gavin Newsom, the governor of California and perhaps, not coincidentally, Joe Biden’s new closest friend."

Only time will tell if Carlson's theory proves to be accurate, but he's not the only one making such a prediction.

Written By:
Ryan Ledendecker

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