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 January 16, 2023

Trump's former press secretary declines to endorse his 2024 campaign

To the surprise of many, Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R), the former White House press secretary of the Trump administration, recently refused to endorse former President Donald Trump's 2024 presidential campaign. 

Sanders's refusal came on Sunday during an appearance on the Fox News Channel's Fox News Sunday. 

There, Fox host Shannon Bream noted, that Sanders's "bio, on [her] official page as Governor, describes [her] as a ‘trusted confidant of President Trump."

Accordingly, Bream asked Sanders, "have you talked to him about his ’24 run? Will you endorse him in that?"

Sanders began her reply by praising Trump.

“I love the president, have a great relationship with him,” Sanders said. “I know our country would be infinitely better off if he was in office right now instead of Joe Biden."

The new Arkansas governor, however, stopped short of endorsing Trump's 2024 campaign, saying, "right now, my focus isn't 2024." Rather, she said it is on "Arkansas and doing what we can to empower the people of this state, and make sure that I’m delivering on the promises that I laid out over the course of the last two years."

Sanders was then pressed on the matter by the Bream. But, Sanders remained firm.

"My focus isn’t on 2024," she insisted. "It’s on what we can deliver in this legislative session. I’m not going to set an arbitrary timeline. I’m not really focused on that at all."

For many, Sanders's refusal to support Trump comes as a big surprise, and that is because Trump has stood firmly behind Sanders in everything that she has done.

Just after Sanders was recently sworn in as governor, Trump, for example, put out a statement, saying: "CONGRATULATIONS to Sarah Huckabee Sanders on being sworn in today as the first female Governor of the GREAT STATE of ARKANSAS. She is a fantastic person and will be a truly incredible Governor."

Trump continued:

In the Trump Administration, Sarah was highly skilled, and respected by all. Her mother Janet, and father, Governor Mike, are very proud parents, and they would like nothing more than to see her do even better than Mike—not easy! Bryan, Scarlett, William, and George will make the people of Arkansas very proud. Go to it, Sarah!

One, accordingly, would have expected Sanders to return the favor by supporting Trump. But, so far, that isn't the case.

Trump, at the time of this writing, had not commented on Sanders's refusal to endorse him.

Written By:
Oliver Winters

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