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 October 8, 2023

Trump waiting for 'apology' from Biden over border wall

Former President Donald Trump says that he is waiting for an "apology" from President Joe Biden. 

"For what?" you may ask.

For the fact that, after repeatedly criticizing Trump's southern border wall plan, Biden has now decided to pick up where Trump left off in building the wall.

In case you missed it, last week, the Associated Press reported:

The Biden administration announced they waived 26 federal laws in South Texas to allow border wall construction on Wednesday, marking the administration’s first use of sweeping executive power to pave the way for building more border barriers — a tactic used often during the Trump presidency.

This comes after Biden, previously, referred to Trump's wall as "not a serious policy solution" and a "waste of money."

It also comes after Biden, previously, promised that "There will not be another foot of wall constructed on my administration."

None of this was lost on Trump.

Soon after the news broke that Biden gave the wall the go-ahead, Trump took to social media.

There, he wrote:

So interesting to watch Crooked Joe Biden break every environmental law in the book to prove that I was right when I built 560 miles (they incorrectly state 450 in story!) of brand new, beautiful border wall. As I have stated often, over thousands of years, there are only two things that have consistently worked, wheels, and walls! Will Joe Biden apologize to me and America for taking so long to get moving, and allowing our country to be flooded with 15 million illegals immigrants, from places unknown. I will await his apology!

It appears, though, that Trump ought not to hold his breath waiting for Biden's apology because it is probably not coming.

Fox News reports:

Pesident Biden, speaking after his administration announced border wall construction in Texas, said at the White House on Thursday that he tried to "redirect" the money for the project, and denied that the border wall worked.

What else would you expect from Biden?

Trump, for his part, followed up with another Truth Social post, which he, again, concluded by looking for Biden's apology.

The former president wrote:

I built 561 Miles of Border Wall between the United States and Mexico, as per the highest specifications of Brandon Judd and the U.S. Border Patrol, with the great Tom Homan consulting. This was more than the 400 Miles that I said I was going to build, and despite the false promises of the Broken Old Crow, Mitch McConnell, and RINO Paul RINO. Crazy Nancy & Cryin’ Chuck Schumer (a friend of Judge Engoron?) fought me all the way. What a group? But I got the Wall built anyway, and more was coming, until Crooked Joe, instead of installing it, sold it for pennies on the dollar (Did he know the buyer?). Now, after 15,000,000 people, many from prisons and mental institutions, have invaded our Country, this corrupt & incompetent president wants to put up a small, below spec, 20 mile Wall. Has he apologized to me yet?

Written By:
Oliver Winters

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