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 December 27, 2023

Trump vows to replace Obamacare with his own, 'better' version for 2024

Former President Barack Obama's legacy accomplishment, at least according to his supporters, was the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), otherwise known as "Obamacare." 

As many working-class Americans have realized over the years, Obamacare is garbage. It's too expensive for most, unless you're not working and living below the poverty line. The plans, according to reviews, are not great, to be kind.

Former President Donald Trump revealed over the weekend that he plans to prioritize American healthcare and not only toss Obamacare in the trash, but also launch his own, better version of it.

The 45th president announced his plans in a recent update on his Truth Social platform.

"Obamacare is too expensive, and otherwise, not good healthcare," Trump wrote. "I will come up with a much better, and less expensive, alternative! People will be happy, not sad!"

Trump's announcement came in the wake of a similar announcement he made last month, vowing to give Americans a better healthcare system with better plans and more affordable costs.

Fox News noted:

Last month, Trump wrote on Truth Social that getting better healthcare "than Obamacare for the American people will be a priority of the Trump Administration." Obamacare was enacted in March 2010.

"It is not a matter of cost, it is a matter of HEALTH," he wrote at the time. "America will have one of the best Healthcare Plans anywhere in the world. Right now it has one of the WORST!"

Republicans have spent years attempting to repeal Obamacare and failed every time, even when they had control of Congress and the White House. Members of Congress have signaled that taking another shot at repealing the 13-year-old ACA is not a top priority.

Trump and his campaign, however, are more in touch with working-class Americans than Congress, so it's a brilliant play if Trump can deliver Americans a healthcare system that not only works and is of high quality, but is also affordable for the working man and woman.

Social media users chimed in on the announcement, with many expressing their dissatisfaction with Obamacare and healthcare costs in general.

"My healthcare costs have tripled since Obamacare," one X user wrote.

"NEEDS TO HAPPEN," another X user wrote.

Written By:
Ryan Ledendecker

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