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 September 17, 2023

Trump takes a stand for union auto workers as Dems' EV push threatens jobs

Former President Donald Trump continues to dominate the polling for the GOP nomination, and now he's making progress on the general election front. 

Part of his emerging strategy seems to center around winning over support from union workers, who generally vote for Democratic presidents.

According to Breitbart, Trump is making headway in winning that critical support, and he's using President Joe Biden's radical green agenda against him by reminding union auto workers that such policies are costing jobs and livelihoods.

"The auto workers will not have any jobs … because all of these cars are going to be made in China. The electric cars, automatically, are going to be made in China," Trump said recently.

Breitbart noted:

13,000 UAW members have started striking against three automakers as contract negotiations have yet to deliver assurances that Biden’s rapid push for Electric Vehicles (EVs) will not jeopardize their wages and jobs.

"I’m on the side of making our country great. The autoworkers are not going to have any jobs because electric cars are going to be made in China. The autoworkers are being sold down the river by their leadership," Trump said during a recent interview.

He added: "The auto workers are being sold down the river by their leadership, and their leadership should endorse Trump."

Frustrations within the auto workers unions have increased significantly in recent weeks, with some publicly insisting that they do not believe President Biden cares enough to defend their jobs from essentially being taken by China down the road.

Several high-profile Republicans have also jumped in to defend UAW workers, including Sens. J.D. Vance (R-OH) and Josh Hawley (R-MO).

"Every dime the auto industry is spending on Joe Biden’s radical climate mandates should be spent on workers," Hawley wrote on X. "They deserve better wages, better hours, and a guarantee their jobs will be safe — not shipped off to China."

Given the high stakes of the coming presidential election, Trump winning unexpected support from major labor unions could be a death blow to Biden's political future.

Only time will tell if Trump is able to convince many of them, who've voted Democrat for decades, to come to the other side, but it looks as though that's happening at a rapid pace already.

Written By:
Ryan Ledendecker

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