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 July 6, 2023

Trump signs pledge asserting that biological "women are exclusively female"

Former President Donald Trump is standing up to the radical transgender agenda by signing a pledge to "uphold the truth that women are exclusively female," Breitbart reported. The pledge is from the organization Concerned Women for America, which has asked all candidates for president to sign on.

The non-profit women's legislative action committee is the largest in the nation. Heading into the 2024 presidential race, Concerned Women for America has created the "Presidential Promise to American Women" to pin down candidates on this important issue.

"As President of the United States, I promise to uphold the truth that women are exclusively female," the pledge states. "Only women can be pregnant and bear children. Only women can be mothers," it adds.

“Under my Administration, the status and dignity of women and girls will not be compromised in law or policy," the pledge continues. The language specifically discusses "gender identity" as it relates to the erasure of women.

"That sex is binary is a scientific reality, and all federal agencies will be directed to uphold this fact in every policy and program at home and abroad. A person’s claim of ‘gender identity’ does not overrule their sex," the pledge makes clear.

"My administration will focus on affirming sex-based distinctions that protect women in every area, such as shelters, prisons, housing, healthcare, defense, education, and sports," the pledge goes on. "I will protect the dignity of women and motherhood in all circumstances."

Trump signed this pledge on June 29 and was the first candidate to do so, according to Concerned Women for America. The former president has not been shy about his disdain for radical gender ideology.

In November, Trump addressed the issue while making his announcement that he was running for president. "And you know, it’s very unfair to women, just very, very unfair," Trump said in a speech from Mar-a-Lago.

"We will defend the rights of parents and we will defend the family as the center of American life," the former president promised. He again affirmed his stance in a video two months later.

Trump railed against so-called "gender-affirming care" that is actually "child abuse," he said in January. He promised that he would stop the "chemical, physical, and emotional mutilation" of children.

The former president went further by stating he would punish anyone, including schools and state governments, that teach children they might be "trapped in the wrong body." He rightly identified this as a toxic idea crafted by leftists.

"No serious country should be telling its children that they were born with the wrong gender, a concept that was never heard of in all of human history — nobody’s ever heard of this what’s happening today," Trump said. "It was all when the radical left invented it just a few years ago."

Other candidates, such as Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, were also offered the pledge though it's unknown whether he also signed. Fighting the radical left and its destructive gender ideology will no doubt be central to the upcoming presidential primary among all of the candidates.

There's a chance that Republicans can capture Democratic voters who also believe that biological women deserve protection. As with most of these issues that the GOP previously wouldn't touch, Trump seems to be leading the pack on this, with DeSantis a close second.

Written By:
Christine Favocci

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