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By Mae Slater on
 June 17, 2024

Trump Reportedly Values Loyal Contenders Highest For VP Spot, Reportedly Is Close To A Decision

Former President Donald Trump will reveal his vice presidential running mate for the 2024 election at the upcoming Republican National Convention in July.

The Washington Post reported that in a recent interview, Trump indicated he has a "pretty good idea" of who he will choose for the role. The focus on loyalty is particularly heightened due to the well-publicized rift between Trump and his 2016 running mate, former Indiana Governor Mike Pence.

Trump's search for a vice-presidential candidate appears to aim at broadening his voter base.

Analysts suggest that he is scrutinizing candidates who can appeal to a wide range of voter demographics, including moderate Republicans, suburban women, minority voters, and younger citizens.

The list of potential candidates includes Republican figures who have certified the 2020 election results but have since become close allies of Trump. Among these are ambitious up-and-comers like Representatives Elise Stefanik of New York and Byron Donalds of Florida.

Loyalty A Key Factor For Trump

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem was once considered a strong contender, but various controversies have placed her out of favor with Trump. His former VP pick, Pence, and his subsequent fallout with Trump has made loyalty a significant criterion for his choice in 2024.

There are also some unexpected names in the mix, such as former Fox News personality Tucker Carlson and Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia. The inclusion of such "wild cards" indicates Trump's willingness to consider unconventional options for the ticket.

Trump's potential vice-presidential picks have to bring balance to the ticket. The aim is not just about loyalty but the ability to appeal to a broad spectrum of voters. This strategy could prove crucial in the 2024 elections, given the changing demographics and voter concerns.

In 2016, Trump's selection of Pence was partly due to his established position within the Republican Party and his appeal to evangelical Christians. This time around, the dynamics have evolved, and the focus seems to be on a wider appeal.

Candidates Facing Public Scrutiny

Several potential running mates have been subjected to public scrutiny. Governor Noem, for instance, encountered backlash due to various controversial decisions and incidents. These issues have influenced Trump's current considerations and his shortlist of candidates.

Elise Stefanik, who has rapidly risen within Republican ranks, and Byron Donalds, a vocal supporter of Trump, remain strong contenders. Their loyalty to Trump and appeal to diverse voter bases make them valuable assets.

Trump's decision will undoubtedly be influenced by his experiences during his presidency and his campaigns. The fallout with Pence underscored the importance of unwavering loyalty within his inner circle. This experience seems to have shaped his criteria for his next running mate.

Analysts believe that Trump's choice will be strategic, appeasing his base while attracting new supporters. The ability to achieve this balance could be pivotal for the 2024 election.

Tucker Carlson and Marjorie Taylor Greene represent the wild card candidates who bring their unique brand of influence to the table. Carlson's media presence and advocacy for conservative viewpoints make him a notable option, while Greene's fervent support for Trump aligns her closely with his base.

Their inclusion in the list of potential running mates highlights Trump's unconventional approach and willingness to embrace strong personalities who can stir public interest and rally the base.

Candidates Under Consideration

The shortlist for Trump's vice-presidential running mate is reportedly varied and dynamic.

While loyalty remains a key factor, the ability to attract diverse voter groups is equally important. This balanced approach signifies Trump's strategic planning for the 2024 election.

Speak to the breadth of potential candidates, including representatives who had once certified the 2020 election results but have since allied with Trump, shows the changing landscape of Republican politics and Trump's influence within it.

As the Republican National Convention approaches in July, speculations and analyses continue to mount regarding who Trump will finally select. His statement to Fox News that he has a "pretty good idea" underscores the deliberateness of his choice.


Trump's upcoming vice-presidential announcement is highly anticipated, with a diverse list of contenders reflecting his focus on loyalty and voter appeal.

From ambitious representatives to media personalities, the selection will likely balance loyalty with the ability to attract key voter demographics. As July nears, the Republican Party and the wider political landscape await Trump's final decision with keen interest.

Written By:
Mae Slater

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