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 July 18, 2023

Trump promises to go nuclear on unelected bureaucrats if he wins another term as President

Former President Donald Trump has promised to clean house if reelected in 2024 as evidence mounts that unelected bureaucrats are wielding too much influence in the government, Breitbart reported. Trump calls this phenomenon the "deep state" and has pledged to "drain the swamp."

There are roughly 2 million government employees who make up the so-called administrative state. The power they hold behind the scenes in these organizations has effectively created another branch of government.

This fact was made clear during the COVID-19 pandemic when the pencil pushers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made the rules that governments used to crack down on citizens. Trump has vowed to ensure that will never happen again.

"We will demolish the deep state," the former president said in June at his rally in Michigan. "We will expel the warmongers from our government," Trump said.

"We will drive out the globalists. We will cast out the communists, Marxists and fascists. And we will throw off the sick political class that hates our country," Trump added.

Also in Trump's sights are the Environmental Protection Agency, the IRS, the State Department, and the Department of Defense and its subsidiaries. Russell Vought from the Center for Renewing America think tank explained Trump's overall strategy.

"What we’re trying to do is identify the pockets of independence and seize them," Vought, who was Trump's director of the Office of Management and Budget, said. John McEntee, Trump's former White House personnel, also weighed in.

"Our current executive branch was conceived of by liberals for the purpose of promulgating liberal policies," McEntee explained. "There is no way to make the existing structure function in a conservative manner," he added.

"It’s not enough to get the personnel right. What’s necessary is a complete system overhaul," McEntee continued. "The president’s plan should be to fundamentally reorient the federal government in a way that hasn’t been done since F.D.R.’s New Deal," he said.

Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung called his plan "a bold and transparent agenda for his second term, something no other candidate has done" when it comes to shattering the bureaucracy. “Voters will know exactly how President Trump will supercharge the economy, bring down inflation, secure the border, protect communities, and eradicate the deep state that works against Americans once and for all," Cheung said.

The former president had already attempted to ensure greater accountability for employees at government agencies in a 2021 executive order. However, President Joe Biden promptly reversed the order when he took office.

Still, Trump was already eyeing another presidential run with the intention of slashing 50,000 jobs in the technology sector of the administrative state by 2022. "Trump allies are working on plans that would potentially strip layers at the Justice Department — including the FBI, and reaching into national security, intelligence, the State Department and the Pentagon, sources close to the former president say," Axios warned.

Trump knows very well about the destructive power of the deep state as a victim of its wrath. In 2016, the FBI launched a probe into supposed Russia collusion thanks to then-FBI agent Peter Strzok and then-FBI lawyer Lisa Page and their "insurance policy" to make sure he didn't win or serve in office, the Washington Examiner reported.

The shadow government created by these bureaucrats needs to be dismantled, and Trump is the man to do it. Meanwhile, elections won't matter as long as there are leftists pulling the strings in the administrative state.

Written By:
Christine Favocci

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