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 October 12, 2023

Trump promises he will bring back travel ban for "terror-afflicted countries”

Former President Donald Trump promised to reinstate his travel ban on "terror-afflicted countries," should he win next year's presidential election.

During a campaign stop on Monday in New Hampshire, Trump promised a return of his travel ban that ignited controversy among Democrats but was generally seen as a common sense measure to protect America.

Now with all the chaos around the world and the rise of terrorists in the Middle East, such a travel ban makes even more sense today.

The world is being reminded what terrorists can do as more information from Israel is surfacing.What were once rumors have become concrete allegations as both Israeli and outside observers have witnessed unthinkable atrocities.

Terrorists can strike anywhere as long as the Biden administration continues to leave the borders open and travel unimpeded.

Restoring common sense

Trump aims to fix President Biden's mistakes if he wins next year's presidential election by restoring the travel ban that should have never been removed in the first place.

Trump's travel ban affected multiple countries that were involved in terrorism and funding or facilitating terrorists.

Those countries included Iran, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Venezuela, North Korea, Nigeria, Myanmar, Eritrea, Sudan, Tanzania, and Kyrgyzstan. All of those countries present a risk to the nation as they either fund or harbor terrorists.

Trump stated, "When I was Commander in Chief, we … imposed a strict TRAVEL BAN to keep Radical Islamic Terrorists the hell out of our country."

He then promised that if Americans give him a 2nd term in the White House, he can restore that travel ban to once again make sure terrorists have a much harder time getting into the country.

“We will cut off the money to Palestinian terrorists on day one, and we will re-impose the travel ban on terror-afflicted countries so that the bloodshed and killing we saw this week will never reach American soil."

Bullet proof measure

Despite the outrage from the left, Trump's travel ban was both legal and justified. The United States Supreme Court ruled on a 5-4 decision that the ban was constitutional.

The Supreme Court found that since those countries that were on the travel ban either harbored or sponsored terrorists, Trump was right to take this measure which upheld his oath to protect the nation.

Considering the Supreme Court's decision, it could reasonably be argued that President Joe Biden has left America exposed to terrorists thereby violating his oath to the nation.

Written By:
Robert Hoel

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