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 October 4, 2022

Trump leads Biden in another 2024 poll

A new poll from I&I/TIPP has made what could end up being a significant finding for the presidential election of 2024.

That finding is that former President Donald Trump is significantly more popular with Republicans than President Joe is popular with Democrats. 

The poll was conducted between Sept. 7 and 9, when the pollster surveyed 1,145 registered voters. The results have been compared with another poll taken roughly a month earlier, from Aug. 2 to 4, when 1,182 were surveyed. In both polls, the margin of error is plus or minus 2.9 percentage points.

Both polls asked participants the same questions: "If the Democratic Presidential primary were held today, who would you vote for?" and "If the Republican Presidential primary were held today, who would you vote for?"

Trump won both times with a majority, receiving 53% of Republican participants' support in August and 54% in September. Second place both times went to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), who only received 17% in August and 15% in September. So, Trump is the clear favorite with Republicans.

Biden is also the clear favorite for Democrat voters. But, Biden did nowhere near as well as Trump. Whereas Trump received a majority vote from Republicans, Biden only received a plurality vote from Democrats, receiving 30% support in August and 34% support in September.

Here, second place went to former first lady Michelle Obama, who received 11% in September, and third place went to Vice President Kamala Harris, who received 10%.

So, it's clear that Trump remains more popular with his voting base than Biden is with Democratic voters.

What this means in the grand scheme of things, though, remains to be seen. Trump has still not announced his 2024 presidential election bid, and, for that matter, there is no guarantee that Biden is running in 2024 either.

Written By:
Oliver Winters

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