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 September 24, 2023

Trump dominates polls, enjoys highest favorability rating in GOP primary race

Even as he faces multiple indictments, civil lawsuits and constant negative media coverage, former President Donald Trump remains the strongest Republican presidential candidate, by far. 

According to Breitbart, a recent Morning Consult survey found that Trump is viewed favorably by 80% of potential Republican voters. His unfavorability numbers within the ranks of Republican voters is only 19%.

That number is lower than Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL), who has a 21% unfavorable rating.

DeSantis, once the strongest and most formidable Trump competitor for the GOP nomination, scored a 67% favorability rating in the survey. His polling numbers have dipped significantly over past weeks as his campaign struggles to compete with the Republican juggernaut known as Donald Trump.

Breitbart noted other GOP hopefuls' numbers:

Anti-woke businessman Vivek Ramaswamy has garnered a 58 percent favorable view, compared to 18 percent who do not. Half, 50 percent, view former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley favorably, compared to 20 percent who do not.

Former Vice President Mike Pence scored a 48% favorability rating, while 42% view him as unfavorable. Pence struggles greatly with Trump's massive MAGA voter base, as most in that circle still blame him for not taking more action to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

The former president dominates all relevant state and national polls, leaving his closest GOP opponents in his dust by double digits in more cases than not.

Not only is Trump absolutely dominating the GOP primary field, he's also stunning the Biden-friendly media by besting the current president in hypothetical matchup polls for the 2024 presidential election

A stunning example was a recent Washington Post/ABC poll that showed the former president beating Biden by 10 points.

The results of that particular poll stunned the anti-Trump, liberal outlet known as the Washington Post so profoundly that it described its own poll as an "outlier" in one of the more embarrassing moments for the dying rag.

It's no wonder Trump is always smiling these days. He can't be stopped, and now, everyone knows it.

Written By:
Ryan Ledendecker

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