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 September 17, 2023

Trump claims Pelosi's decisions led to Capitol riot

Former President Donald Trump just charged former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi with being the driving force behind the events of January 6, 2021.

In a recent interview on NBC's "Meet the Press", former President Donald Trump expressed his belief that then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) played a pivotal role in the Capitol riot that took place on January 6, 2021. Trump's perspective on security decisions

Trump emphasized that Pelosi was in control of the Capitol's security. He claimed that she declined an offer of 10,000 soldiers to bolster security measures. According to Trump, had Pelosi not refused this military assistance, the events of January 6 might not have transpired.

The former President was quoted saying: "Nancy Pelosi was in charge of security and turned down 10,000 soldiers, if she didn’t turn down the soldiers, you wouldn’t have January 6."

When questioned by Kristen Welker, the interviewer, about his own actions and decisions on that day, Trump was somewhat evasive. He mentioned that he had behaved appropriately and reiterated his belief that Pelosi's decisions were the primary cause of the riot.

Questions about authority and responsibility

Welker pointed out that as the commander-in-chief, Trump held a unique position of authority, one that surpassed Pelosi's. She probed Trump about why he didn't take more decisive action when he realized the National Guard wasn't arriving.

In response, Trump stated, "frankly, I assumed that she took care of it."

He further claimed that he had requested the National Guard's presence three days prior to the event, but Pelosi had declined. When Welker mentioned that Pelosi had stated no such official request was made, Trump countered by saying the mayor of D.C. had provided a letter confirming Pelosi's refusal.

Debate over leadership during the crisis

The conversation became more intense as Welker continued to press Trump on his leadership during the crisis. She questioned whether he believed he had demonstrated leadership on January 6.

To this, Trump confidently replied, "yes. Absolutely. I did."

The interview concluded with Trump firmly placing the blame on Pelosi, stating that she was the one responsible for the events of January 6. He also mentioned that the J6 Committee had declined to interview her about the incident.

Conclusion and reflections

- Former President Trump believes Nancy Pelosi's decisions were instrumental in the events of January 6, 2021.
- Trump claims he had requested additional security in the form of 10,000 soldiers, which Pelosi allegedly declined.
- The debate over who held the most responsibility and authority during the crisis continues, with both sides presenting their arguments.

Written By:
Benjamin Clark

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