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 April 2, 2023

Trump advisor: 'the more they attack him, the stronger he gets'

Jason Miller - an advisor of former President Donald Trump - is arguing that the recent indictment of Trump is only going to make him "stronger." 

Miller made the argument in an interview that he participated in with Breitbart News on Saturday.

"The more they attack him, the stronger he gets," Miller said.

This, indeed, does seem to be the case.

For one thing - since the indictment of Trump by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg - the Republican Party - by and large - has united behind Trump. Trump has even received support from some unexpected individuals, such as former Florida governor Jeb Bush - the Republican whom Trump nicknamed "Low Energy Jeb" during the 2016 Republican presidential primary.

On top of this, the indictment seems to be uniting many Americans behind Trump.

Post-indictment polling has shown that, since the announcement of Trump's indictment, Trump's support has only increased.

A new poll from Yahoo News/YouGov, for example, has Trump taking his "largest-ever lead" in the race for the 2024 Republican presidential primary. Trump's lead here went from eight percentage points before the indictment to 26 percentage points after the indictment.

So, as Miller says, the indictment really does appear to have only made Trump stronger.

Perhaps it is for this reason that Miller, during his Breitbart interview, said that Trump, despite the indictment, is "in great spirits."

"It’s how he powers through in the face of adversity and how he’s been doing this ever since he came down the golden escalator at Trump Tower is just amazing. No one else in history has been able to do this," Miller said, referring to the countless attacks that Trump has faced from the political left since 2016.

On Saturday, Trump, on his social media site - Truth Social - released a statement in which he thanked everyone for the support that he has received since the news of his indictment broke.

"I want to thank everybody for the tremendous support you have given me against this assault on our Nation," Trump wrote.

Trump concluded with an optimistic message for his supporters. He wrote:

Our once beautiful USA is now a Nation in Decline. Radical Left Thugs & Insurrectionists have taken over our Country, & are rapidly destroying it. They are using the levers of Law Enforcement, and have completely Weaponized the FBI & DOJ to Interfere with, Rigg, and Steal our once SACRED ELECTIONS. We are now living in a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY, but we will Come Back & MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Written By:
Oliver Winters

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