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 October 11, 2023

Tim Scott torches Joe Biden for responsibility in Hamas attack on Israel

There's an argument to be made that the recent Hamas-led attack on Israel is a result of President Joe Biden's incompetence.

According to Breitbart, that's what Republican presidential candidate Sen. Tim Scott (SC) believes, making his thoughts on the matter loud and clear during a recent speech at the Hudson Institute earlier this week.

Scott blamed Biden for engaging in a "pattern of foolish policy choices that have undermined us and our allies."

In other words, Scott, like many others, believes Biden's weak leadership has led to America's -- and the West's -- enemies smelling blood in the water, and taking action while weak leaders are in charge.

Scott first took a shot at both Biden and former President Barack Obama for the infamous pallet of cash sent to Iran during his administration, noting that Republicans at the time warned that "Iran’s terrorist proxies, including Hamas and Hezbollah, were going to reap part of the windfall."

The South Carolina senator then pointed to Biden's displays of weakness on the world stage, including his own concessions to the terror-sponsoring nation.

"Just a few weeks ago, President Biden sent the same signal again. He rewarded Iran for taking American hostages by unlocking $6 billion for the Muhllas," Scott said. "The administration says the money can only be used for humanitarian needs, but how naive can you be?"

The United States government continues to dance around multiple reports indicating that Iran sponsored the Hamas attack, even as The Wall Street Journal first noted, "Iranian security officials helped plan Hamas’s Saturday surprise attack on Israel and gave the green light for the assault at a meeting in Beirut last Monday."

Scott claims that the Biden administration has attempted to "weaken" Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Prior to the Hamas attack, which has so far killed thousands, Israel was embroiled in political infighting.

"Joe Biden has interfered in Israeli domestic politics and tried to weaken Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu," Scott said. "He slow-walked inviting him to the White House and practically made him beg for that invitation while the world sat back and watched." 

The GOP candidate added, "His weakness invited the attack; his cash giveaways to Iran helped fund terrorism, and after the attack, his administration suggested that Israel just stand down."

"It’s a disgrace. We need a president who is loyal to our allies yet lethal to our adversaries because weakness has never purchased peace. Being passive is a provocation.”

Written By:
Ryan Ledendecker

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