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 August 14, 2023

There is a clash of interests as Special Counsel urges Trump trials to move quickly

Special Counsel Jack Smith is putting increasing pressure on the courts to speed up the trials of former President Donald Trump, as an Aug. 12 article by Andrew C. McCarthy in The National Review stated. 

The author pointed out that Smith's actions have prompted conversations about the justice system and due process in the face of hos the former president's case is being handled.

The New York Times said that Smith's case for quick trials is based on the claim that the Biden Justice Department, working in the "public interest," thinks that quick justice is important.

However, this reasoning goes against the usual idea that the public's best interests are served by a fair and thorough justice system. According to the article, this careful balance can be upset if trials are rushed, which could hurt the rights of the accused.

Smith's strategy reportedly includes some complicated legal moves and he has started a trial in the Mar-a-Lago papers case, which was a long way from Washington, D.C.

This happened before Trump was charged with trying to change the outcome of the 2020 election. With this new set of charges, there were more problems, such as a superseding indictment, worries about secret information, and an attempt to get the defense lawyer booted out of the case. Smith's well-thought-out plan is to set times for trials that are both tight and risky.

Critics of this plan say that the rushed preparations for the trial are a good reason to worry. There are a lot of problems with getting proof and dealing with classified information in the Mar-a-Lago case.

Due to these difficulties, there may be a need for pre-trial appeals, which could add more time to the process. The move to put Trump on trial again, this time for four felony counts, has made people raise their eyebrows because of the seriousness of what could happen.

This short time frame is in sharp contrast to how long the government has spent on its investigations, which could lead to an uneven distribution of resources.

The rushed method could mean that Trump's present legal obligations aren't met, since he is already facing a civil fraud trial and defamation charges, among other things. McCarthy pointed out that because these cases are so close to each other, Trump and his legal team will have very little time, which could hurt the quality of their defense.

Smith's haste in going after these cases has made people wonder what his real goals are. Critics say that quick cases could be used for political reasons, which would hurt people's trust in the justice system.

This shows how politics is getting worse right now and how justice could be used for political purposes as a whole.

Concerns have been made that fast trials that are driven by politics could hurt basic legal ideas like due process and equal protection. In high-profile cases, when the public is paying the most attention, it is even more important to find a balance between fairness and political expediency.

In these times of heated political struggles, it is very important to keep the law's authority in place. The Trump cases are unique in how complicated they are and how much they affect politics, but the idea of a fair justice system must be upheld to make sure that everyone, no matter their rank, gets a fair trial.

Written By:
Charlotte Tyler

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