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 November 1, 2023

The French police opened fire on a woman who was wearing a full veil and shouting 'Allahu Akbar' while riding the subway

Agence France-Presse has been informed by both a police source and the office of the Paris prosecutor that on Tuesday, October 31, French police shot and gravely wounded a woman who was making threats inside of a Paris regional train.

According to a source inside the police department, the authorities were informed early this morning in response to calls made by passengers who cited a lady who was "fully veiled" and "making threats" on an RER train that was operating at the time in the Val-de-Marne, as Le Monde reported.

According to a source inside the police department, after being notified by passengers on a suburban train, officers were able to "isolate" the woman at the Bibliotheque Francois Mitterrand station on the left bank of the capital city, which resulted in the station being swiftly evacuated.

The office of the prosecutor in Paris stated that she made the threat to "blow herself up."

The public prosecutor initially described a single shot being fired by a police officer, but then stated that two policemen fired a total of eight bullets at the suspect.

During a news event, Paris Police Prefect Laurent Nuez stated that the identity of the woman who had provided her information had not yet been confirmed.

"Provided that her identity is the correct one, the woman is known to the police" for acts dating back as far as July 2021: "Dressed in a full veil, she walked around with a screwdriver in her hand, made religious remarks and could have had a threatening attitude."

The woman was subsequently taken into prison, "held in police custody for a time," and then "clearly suffering from psychiatric problems, was placed in an institution."

Olivier Véran, a spokesman for the French government, had indicated a short while earlier that "initial evidence seem to support the fact that she had already been convicted for having made threats against Operation Sentinelle soldiers," where "Operation Sentinelle soldiers" refers to French soldiers stationed inside the country for anti-terror security objectives.

According to the prosecutors, two separate investigations have been launched.

One of them has been given to the judicial police in Paris, and they are going to investigate the woman's conduct, particularly those that involve "glorification, death threats, and intimidation of a public official."

The other investigation has been given to the Inspectorate General of the National Police Force (IGPN, also known as the "police of police forces"), and its purpose is to determine whether or not the use of a firearm by the police was justified, as is the case whenever a police officer uses his handgun.

Since the incident that occurred on October 13, when an Islamist former student fatally stabbed a teacher in the city of Arras in the country's north, France has been on "emergency attack" notice.

Written By:
Charlotte Tyler

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