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 December 19, 2023

The case against Michelle Obama running for president

Michelle Obama has been touted as a candidate with the potential to defeat Donald Trump, riding on her recent role as an executive producer of a Netflix fiction movie alongside her husband, former President Barack Obama.

However, the Netflix project lacked the optimistic messaging of the Obama era, relying more on identity politics to resonate with voters.

The concerns

Identity politics, rooted in Marxist tactics, places significant societal importance on a candidate's empowerment of a collective, victimized group, such as women or minorities. Those opposing the "candidate as victim" are often labeled as suppressing the entire representative group, stifling meaningful discourse.

This approach has eroded Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream of evaluating individuals based on their character, fostering a shift towards collective identity as a fundamental element of totalitarian ideology.

The selection of political candidates, which should celebrate American individualism and Dr. King's character-content theory, has been overshadowed by identity politics. Prioritizing individualism and integrity as candidate qualifiers has not proven successful for Democrats.

Just like Hillary

Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign heavily relied on identity politics, positioning her as the embodiment of Democrats' desire for a historic first woman president.

Her integrity came into question with incidents such as her callous laughter discussing a rape case and her dismissive response to the Benghazi attacks. Despite opportunities for integrity and feminist leadership, Clinton's failure to act decisively tarnished her image as a viable presidential choice.

Considering the potential candidacy of Michelle Obama against Trump, the prospect of having the first Black woman president raises questions about her qualifications and the recurrence of a Barack Obama-like silhouette.

Her treatment of Melania Trump

Michelle shares certain qualifications with Clinton, including serving as the first lady and the ability to leverage identity politics, a disqualifying moment from Inauguration Day in 2016 casts a shadow on her integrity.

Michelle's treatment of incoming first lady Melania Trump, despite a gracious gesture, was recounted as "awkward," reflecting poorly on her ability to extend a welcoming hand.

As Democrats navigate the complex landscape of candidate selection, the tension between identity politics and genuine qualifications becomes a crucial factor in shaping public opinion.

The reliance on identity politics in candidate selection underscores the challenges of maintaining individualism and integrity in the political arena. The pursuit of historic milestones must align with a candidate's true qualifications and ethical conduct to resonate with voters.

As Democrats weigh their options, the delicate balance between identity politics and genuine character becomes a determining factor in shaping the narrative of the upcoming elections.

Written By:
Dillon Burroughs

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