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 October 8, 2023

Texas mayor demands Biden administration reinstate 'Remain in Mexico' policy

The Biden administration continues to drop the ball on the disaster happening at the southern U.S. border, and those who live in the chaos are speaking out.

As it stands, the southern border is once again being overrun in record numbers by illegal aliens, and according to Breitbart, Rio Grande City, TX Mayor Joel Villareal said during a recent Fox News interview that there are a couple of tried and true policies that can actually have an effect.

Villareal noted that the one policy he knows works for sure is the Trump-era "Remain in Mexico" policy, which allowed for lightning-fast deportations.

He also slammed the Biden administration's recent announcement that a 20-mile wall section would be added to the border, implying that it's a waste of time and resources.

The Biden administration has insisted that it's following "the law" in adding the border wall section, noting that it's from funds appropriated by Congress in 2019.

The Texas mayor held nothing back in describing what he believes needs to be enacted immediately by the Biden administration to control the current surge and those coming in the future.

"When we have influxes, really the only thing that works is, one, expedited removals, and two, Remain in Mexico. Now, Remain in Mexico is not a permanent solution to our broken immigration system. But, during the influxes, we need to make sure that we exercise caution against our global enemies exploiting our broken immigration system to inflict pain on America."

He added, "So, we must, because when we have — when our migrant processing capabilities are compromised, it does jeopardize national security."

Villareal stressed that he's called out politicians from both sides of the aisle on the crisis.

"I’ve called out Gov. Abbott on certain issues. I’ve called [out] President Biden and others, President Trump, as well. At the end of the day, we have to address this. Unfortunately, for decades, we’ve been seeing the same issue play out, and we continue to play the same song and dance, and it’s unfortunate. … [T]he United States of America, the greatest country in the world, lacks the political will for comprehensive immigration reform.

The mayor continued, "And, by the way, this is an issue, the White House, Congress, it’s all convoluted. And, unfortunately, we don’t bridge the political divide. And why is that the case? When you’re looking at this whole concept of political gain, all these — both parties, by the way, engage on this debate on immigration and border security and they don’t do anything about it."

He and other Texas mayors have voiced their concerns, as their communities are on the front lines of the border invasion.

The Biden administration has taken increasing heat over the past week as the number of illegal border crossers continues to surge.

Unfortunately for America, nothing will change at the border until a Republican president is finally elected. Let's pray that happens next year.

Written By:
Ryan Ledendecker

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