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By Sarah May on
 September 21, 2023

Ted Cruz: Dems may turn to Michelle Obama to save party's 2024 presidential hopes

With concerns about President Joe Biden's age and cognitive capacity reaching fever pitch even among Democrat-friend journalists such as David Ignatius of the Washington Post, speculation is turning to the topic of who might step in to save the party's electoral hopes in 2024, and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) believes that Michelle Obama may well be that person, as Breitbart reports.

The Republican lawmaker made his hypothesis during the Monday installment of his podcast, Verdict with Ted Cruz, stating that elite Democrats could “parachute” the former first lady into the contest once Biden's continued candidacy proves untenable.

In the wake of a recent column from Ignatius – a longtime Biden booster – in which he called on Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris to step aside in favor of more electable options, Cruz opined that a push to put Mrs. Obama on the ticket might not be far off.

Elaborating on the mounting problems faced by Biden and the response from within the president's party, Cruz said, “They're looking at polling numbers that show two-thirds of Americans think he's too old to be president. They're getting nervous about all off the evidence of Biden corruption – you've got Hunter being indicted, you've got all the connections to Joe, and then what we've seen in recent weeks is the media is turning on them.”

Cruz continued, “And remember the role of the media. Sadly, they're no longer journalists; they no longer report news. They are the left wing of the Democrat Party, and when the media turns on the presumed Democrat nominee, I think that is the cutting edge of the Democrat intelligentsia saying we may have to cut bait and find someone new.”

The senator suggested that if, by the Democrats' August nominating convention, it becomes even clearer that Biden's “mental diminishment” is beyond the point of no return, the party hierarchy will be able to install a substitute standard bearer.

“The Democrat kingmakers [will then] jettison Joe Biden and parachute in Michelle Obama,” Cruz declared.

Such a move, Cruz said, would prove extremely popular with female African American voters, a group whose support Democrats must retain in order to prevail next fall.

“This is the Obamas saving the day,” the conservative legislator mused, adding his assessment that former President Barack Obama is “already running the Biden administration,” and therefore it would not be a stretch for him to continue assisting a White House helmed by his wife.

Now that the media establishment appears to have given the green light to a “dump Biden” push, Cruz said, “the odds of Michelle Obama parachuting in in August of 2024 have risen dramatically.”

The Washington Times reported earlier this month that a groundswell does appear to be building in Democratic Party circles with regard to a potential Michelle Obama presidential candidacy in 2024.

Such a movement, according to the outlet, is the result of worsening fears about Biden's mental status, concerns about his physical health, and the legal problems and investigations looming over his son – and possibly other members of his family.

It was back in May that longtime Democrat insiders Douglas Schoen and Andrew Stein dubbed Michelle Obama to be the left's strongest candidate by far” to take the reins from Biden. Turning Point USA's Charlie Kirk concurred, saying that Mrs. Obama “polls well and can replace Kamala without anyone calling it racist.”

Radio host Dan Bongino said of the rumored push to draft the former first lady, “[t]hey're sending out smoke signals basically to the Obama family. They know Sleepy Joe is in big trouble.” Whether Democrats hopeful for a Michelle Obama candidacy have any success with their recruitment endeavors, though, only time will tell.

Written By:
Sarah May

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