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 October 1, 2023

Talk of replacing House Speaker McCarthy heats up after passage of short-term spending bill

House Republicans who are not happy with the way that Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) handled the government shutdown situation appear to be looking to have McCarthy removed from the speakership position. 

The Washington Post, on Friday, reported:

A contingent of far-right House Republicans is plotting an attempt to remove Kevin McCarthy as House speaker as early as next week, a move that would throw the chamber into further disarray in the middle of a potential government shutdown, according to four people familiar with the effort who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private talks.

In between the Post's report and the writing of this article, McCarthy achieved his goal of avoiding a government shutdown. He did so on Saturday with the help of House Democrats.

The final voting tally for the short-term spending bill was 335 to 91 with 90 Republicans and one Democrat voting against the bill.

This has only angered those Republicans who opposed McCarthy's efforts to avoid a government shutdown.

They did so on the grounds that the short-term spending bill only helps to maintain the status quo, a status quo that cedes too much to the Democrats.

As U.S. Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) put it, after the bill was passed, on Saturday:

Instead of siding with his own party today, Kevin McCarthy sided with 209 Democrats to push through a continuing resolution that maintains the Biden-Pelosi-Schumer spending levels and policies. He allowed the DC Uniparty to win again.

Biggs concluded his Twitter message by asking whether McCarthy "should . . . remain Speaker of the House?"

This is going to be the big question going forward.

The Post's report was written before the passage of the short-term spending bill. But, there is every reason to believe that its contents are even more true today than they were on Friday, precisely because McCarthy followed through on his plan to avoid a government shutdown.

According to the Post, not only are some House Republicans thinking about replacing McCarthy as House Speaker, but they are already debating who McCarthy's replacement should be.

Some names that have cropped up are U.S. Reps. Tom Emmer (R-MN) and Jim Jordan (R-OH), among others. For now, we are just going to have to see where this goes, if anywhere.

McCarthy, for his part, says that he is ready for the challenge to his speakership.

"If somebody wants to make a motion against me: bring it," he said, adding, "There has to be an adult in the room.”

Written By:
Oliver Winters

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