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 June 15, 2023

Supreme Court sided with Trump on steel import tariffs case

The U.S. Supreme Court handed former President Donald Trump a post-White House victory after it ruled in case involving steel tariffs earlier this year. 

USP Holdings, a major steel importer, claimed the Trump administration acted improperly when it enacted the tariffs during his administration, filing an appeal after lower courts rejected its claims.

The high court declined to hear the appeal, giving Trump the victory notch.

Notably, President Joe Biden's administration seems to be on board with the tariffs as it has left them largely in place throughout his administration. The administration has argued against other importers who claim they've been hurt by the tariffs.

Scott Paul, president of the Alliance for American Manufacturing, backed the ruling, praising the Biden administration for keep the tariffs in place for fear of otherwise seeing a steep drop in available jobs in the industry in steel-heavy states.

"The Biden administration understands that simply lifting steel tariffs without any solution in place, particularly beyond the dialogue, could well mean layoffs and plant closures in Pennsylvania and in Ohio and other states where obviously the impact would be felt not only economically but politically," Scott said.

While the Biden administration and Democrats didn't take any hits on that particular ruling, it most certainly has in other recent high court decisions.

In what was described as a "blow" to organized labor by NBC News, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of a company's pursuit of legal actions for damages it claimed were caused by a union strike.

The outlet noted:

The 8-1 decision, written by Justice Amy Coney Barrett, means the company, Glacier Northwest Inc., can pursue a lawsuit against the union in state court over an August 2017 strike in which drivers walked off the job, leaving wet concrete in their trucks. The company claims the union is liable for what it says was intentional damage to its product.

"Because the union took affirmative steps to endanger Glacier's property rather than reasonable precautions to mitigate that risk, the NLRA does not arguably protect its conduct," Justice Barrett wrote.

The decision came in the wake of a state court ruling that sided with the union.

"Make no mistake — this ruling has everything to do with giving companies more power to hobble workers if any attempt is made to fight back against a growing system of corruption," said Sean O'Brien, the general president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters."

The Biden administration and the Democratic Party can't afford too many more hits from the high court, not with an election so close.

Written By:
Ryan Ledendecker

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