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By Mae Slater on
 June 16, 2024

Steve Bannon Warns Trump Will Face Multiple Years In Prison If Conservatives Don't Mobilize For November

Steve Bannon, the former advisor to Donald Trump, made a bold prediction during a speech at Turning Point USA's Detroit conference, stating that former President Trump will be sentenced to multiple years in prison.

The Washington Examiner reported that during his speech, Bannon criticized the legal actions taken against Trump, suggesting they were part of a broader effort to prevent him from returning to the presidency.

Bannon addressed a crowd at the Turning Point USA event, asserting that Trump would face a significant prison sentence in his Manhattan hush money trial. He emphasized that the legal system was being manipulated to undermine Trump and his political movement.

He cited various measures he believed were being used against Trump, including de-banking, revoking law licenses, and exploiting bankruptcy laws. According to Bannon, these actions are part of a strategy to restrict Trump's ability to run for office again.

"They’ve turned the legal system, whether it’s bankruptcy, whether it is taking away somebody’s law license, whether it’s de-banking, and they have the greatest president this nation’s had since Abraham Lincoln, and they’re about to put him, by the way, you know…on the 11th of July, they’re going to sentence him for multiple years in prison. You understand that, right?” Bannon declared.

Accusations of Election Interference

Bannon further claimed that travel restrictions would be imposed on Trump to prevent him from campaigning effectively. He alleged that the judicial process was conspiring to "steal the election" and to suppress the MAGA movement.

“You understand what they’re doing in New York. And then they’re going to limit how he can travel. Now it’s going to be court-supervised. Why is that? To steal the election. To steal the election. Under no circumstances can they have the…Trump administration take back over. They can’t have MAGA rule the country. They don’t care about this election. They don’t care how many votes we get. They’re going to fight us every step of the way,” Bannon continued.

Bannon did not stop at criticizing the legal actions against Trump. He also targeted the FBI, referring to it as the "American Gestapo" and suggesting its headquarters should be destroyed. “The FBI headquarters should be torn down and the earth salted over it, as the Romans did to Carthage,” Bannon asserted.

His remarks have drawn both support and condemnation from various quarters, reflecting the deeply polarized views surrounding Trump and his legal battles.

In the wake of Bannon's speech, ABC News consulted 14 lawyers and legal professors to gauge the likelihood of Trump facing prison time. The responses were mixed, showcasing the uncertainty surrounding the case.

Out of the 14 experts, five believed it was likely that Trump would be imprisoned, while two were uncertain. Seven experts, however, deemed it unlikely due to logistical issues, the unprecedented nature of imprisoning a first-time offender of Trump's stature, and potential political fallout.

Despite Bannon's assertions, the consensus among the majority of these legal experts is that Trump will not be imprisoned before the November election.

Legal Actions Against Trump

The Manhattan hush money trial is just one of several legal challenges Trump faces. The complexities and implications of these cases continue to be a focal point of public and legal discourse.

Bannon's speech has underscored the contentious nature of Trump's legal battles and the broader political ramifications they entail. His comments have further fueled the ongoing debate about the use of the legal system in political contests.

The implications of Bannon's claims extend beyond Trump's legal troubles. They touch on the broader narrative of the MAGA movement and its future in American politics.

Bannon's call to action against what he perceives as systemic injustices has resonated with many of Trump's supporters, who see these legal battles as politically motivated attempts to thwart their movement.

The public and political reactions to Bannon's speech have been swift and varied. Supporters of Trump have echoed Bannon's sentiments, while critics have denounced his remarks as inflammatory and unfounded.

Politicians on both sides of the aisle have weighed in, with some defending the integrity of the legal process and others expressing concern about potential abuses of power.

The Road Ahead

As the legal proceedings against Trump continue, the public remains divided on the potential outcomes and their implications for the upcoming election.

Bannon's prediction of a prison sentence for Trump adds another layer of complexity to an already tumultuous political landscape.

The ultimate resolution of these legal challenges will likely have significant ramifications for Trump, his supporters, and the future of American politics.

In conclusion, Bannon's speech at the Turning Point USA conference has reignited debates about the legal and political future of Donald Trump. His predictions and accusations have drawn both support and skepticism, reflecting the deeply polarized views surrounding this contentious issue. As the legal process unfolds, the nation will be watching closely to see how these developments impact the upcoming election and the broader political landscape.

Written By:
Mae Slater

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