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 October 14, 2023

Stanford University instructor who humiliated Jewish students and downplayed Holocaust suspended

A Stanford University instructor publicly humiliated Israeli and Jewish students in an exercise following the attacks perpetrated by the antisemitic terrorist organization Hamas, Breitbart reported. The unnamed instructor, who has been suspended, called them "colonizers" and said it "is what Israel does to Palestinians."

The incident happened during a session of "Civil, Liberal and Global Education," a required course at the institution. The problem was brought to the attention of Chabad Stanford Jewish Center Director Rabbi Dov Greenberg by three students who were subjected to the exercise.

The students were singled out after being forced to share whether they were Israeli or Jewish. The instructor then ordered them to stand in the corner of the room with all of their possession.

"This is what Israel does to the Palestinians," the instructor claimed. The instructor then quizzed the students about the Holocaust and used the answers to again make disparaging claims.

"How many people died in the Holocaust?" the teacher asked. "Six million," a student replied.

"Colonizers killed more than 6 million. Israel is a colonizer," the teacher claimed.

Stanford University did not outline the specific complaints to the public. However, President Richard Saller and Provost Jenny Martinez said in a statement that the teacher was removed from the classroom and that the institution was launching an investigation.

"We have received a report of a class in which a non-faculty instructor is reported to have addressed the Middle East conflict in a manner that called out individual students in class based on their backgrounds and identities. Without prejudging the matter, this report is a cause for serious concern," the statement, which was sent to the entire university community, said.

"Academic freedom does not permit the identity-based targeting of students. The instructor in this course is not currently teaching while the university works to ascertain the facts of the situation."

However, regardless of how the school handles it from here, the fact remains that students were "traumatized" by this instructor and bullied into silence. "What are they going to do — get in a fight with their teacher at Stanford?" Greenberg said of the students' dilemma.

He went on to add that the teacher "didn’t say anything that happened to the Israelis" in this one-sided exercise. “He ignored that," the rabbi charged.

"He said, ‘Hamas is a legitimate representation of the Palestinian people. They are not a terrorist group. They are freedom fighters. Their actions are legitimate,'" Greenberg added.

"He’s saying Israel is worse than the Nazis, and Hamas is innocent. This is what Jewish students face at Stanford and other places. They’re feeling isolated, under attack, and threatened," Greenberg lamented.

The attack on Israel has rooted out all of the antisemites in academia and elsewhere. What this instructor did was unconscionable, but unfortunately, it's part of a broader problem of hatred towards the Jews that still exists in the U.S.

Written By:
Christine Favocci

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