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 April 13, 2023

Speaker McCarthy looks to use military to combat southern border crisis

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is arguing that the U.S. military should be deployed to help secure the U.S.-Mexico border.

McCarthy made the argument in an interview that he recently participated in with Breitbart News.

McCarthy, in the interview, was specifically asked to respond to a policy proposal from former President Donald Trump.

In a video that he released in January, Trump, in conjunction with his 2024 campaign, said this:

Biden’s open border policies are a deadly betrayal of our nation. When I am president, it will be the policy of the United States to take down the cartels, just as we took down ISIS and the ISIS caliphate, and just as — unlike the situation we’re in today, we had a very, very strong border, the strongest border, in fact, in the history of our country, and drugs were at a low of 45 years. There’s been nothing like what we did, just two years ago.

In other words, Trump argued for a military solution to the problems caused in America by Mexican cartels via the southern border.

McCarthy, in his interview with Breitbart, backed Trump's proposal.

For one, McCarthy argued that the Mexican cartels ought to be deemed terrorist organizations.

McCarthy said:

I think you have to designate them. We do not have operational control of our border. For anyone in America that’s been down there — I want to give credit to [Texas] Gov. [Greg] Abbott [R]. It shouldn’t be his job to secure the border. But he has to put effort into it. You look what has gone on. These cartels are making billions of dollars human trafficking, right? But they’re using weapons. They’re shooting. We’ve watched in broad daylight what they would do with not respect for life or for Americans

After designating the cartels terrorist organizations, McCarthy argued that the U.S. military should be used to combat the problem.

“I’ve met with the border agents many times. I think we’re going to have to embed some military to allow that technology to help secure it,” McCarthy said.

It's unclear how much support there is in the U.S. government for this approach.

There does appear to be support for this approach within the Republican Party. The Biden administration, however, would appear to be against it.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, in March, claimed:

Designating these cartels as [foreign terrorist organizations] would not grant us any additional authorities that we don’t really have at this time. The United States has powerful sanctions authorities specifically designated to combat narcotics trafficking organizations and the individuals and entities that enable them. So, we have not been afraid to use them.

Accordingly, it appears that there is no chance of Trump's ideas being implemented under the Biden administration's watch.

Written By:
Oliver Winters

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