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 June 6, 2023

Speaker McCarthy accuses Fox News host of saying 'not true' things

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) just accused Fox News host Maria Bartiromo of "saying things that are not true." 

McCarthy did so during an appearance Sunday on the Fox News Channel's Sunday Morning Futures, which is hosted by Bartiromo.

There, the topic of conversation was the debt ceiling deal.

McCarthy and President Joe Biden managed to avoid the negative economic consequences of a government default by reaching a deal on the debt ceiling before the default occurred. That deal has since been approved by both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate before being signed into law by Biden on Saturday.

It has not been smooth sailing for McCarthy, though. In fact, he has faced a lot of criticism over the deal from some of his fellow Republicans, who have argued that McCarthy did not get enough out of it.

During Sunday's program, Bartiromo decided to focus on this criticism and to have McCarthy respond to it. And, this is what happened.

Bartiromo began:

I want to go through some of the criticism of this bill because some people say it really was different. For example, you had - in your bill that passed the House, [the] Limit Save, Grow [bill] - an ability to have work requirements for Medicaid recipients that did not end up in the bill that the President signed. You had in your bill the ability to rescind that $80 billion of IRS funding that the President wants to hire 87,000 agents. That wasn’t in the bill the President signed. It was 1.9 billion of the 80 billion.

It was here that McCarthy said, "well, that's not true, Maria. Maria, you're saying things that are not true."

McCarthy proceeded to try to explain why these things are "not true."

McCarthy argued that the new bill took spending below what was outlined in the Limit, Save, Grow bill and that, in the new bill, no new IRS agents are being hired and the agency will receive $20 billion less than it was scheduled to receive.

Here, after McCarthy started talking about ways to spend that $20 billion, Bartiromo jumped back in to point out that "the bulk of that money is still in the Inflation Reduction Act."

McCarthy replied:

Okay, Maria, pause for one moment. That was already in law. We do not have the Senate, we do not have the presidency. But we just stopped them from hiring any IRS agents, and we also took another 20 billion going into the future, and now we only have the House. So, we need the Senate and the presidency. The next time we’ll address this, we have an opportunity to win the Senate and the presidency.

Are you convinced by what McCarthy said? Or, do see McCarthy as just unwittingly making a tacit admission that he could have gotten more from the deal?

Either way, it was certainly a much more intense Fox appearance than usual for McCarthy.

Written By:
Oliver Winters

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