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 January 27, 2024

Speaker Johnson confirms that Senate's border deal is DOA in the House

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) confirmed that a Senate bill tying a border security package with aid to Ukraine and other issues is “dead on arrival" with the House.

Conservatives in the House and the Senate have signaled that the massive bill jamming different priorities together has no future even if it is approved by the Senate.

House Republicans hold a slim majority but a majority nonetheless which means that without major compromises, no Democrat bill is going to get through.

Johnson confirmed in a letter to fellow Representatives that, "I wanted to provide a brief update regarding the supplemental and the border, since the Senate appears unable to reach any agreement. If rumors about the contents of the draft proposal are true, it would have been dead on arrival in the House anyway."

By all accounts the bill looks like yet another omnibus bill choke full of Democrat wish list items with a few bones tossed to combat the crisis at the southern border. Of course, no serious measures like mass deportations and hard barriers to further immigration are likely included.

Political gamesmanship

One of the biggest opponents of the bill is former President Donald Trump who called on Republicans to shut the bill down.

Trump believes the bill doesn't do enough to solve the crisis that President Joe Biden has created and the bill would merely be a placebo. It would be a huge gift to Biden to have a border bill passed that doesn't change anything but takes American's attention off the issue.

President Biden has allowed millions to pour into the United States and of those millions many are young military aged males often with unknown backgrounds.

Essentially, the Biden administration left the door open for everyone from legitimate refugees to terrorists to cross into the United States and disappear into the system.

Many Americans have paid the price for this extremely irresponsible policy that is tantamount to criminal negligence. Biden has abandoned his duty to protect the nation and no half measures to correct the situation should be accepted.

Thankfully, relief is coming and Republicans seem to be busy taking matters into their own hands.

Biden losing control

Texas is leading the charge on the border as they have essentially kicked the federal government out and are shutting down the border. Biden attempted to threaten Texas but seems to have backed off so as to not create a truly dangerous situation.

Meanwhile, House Republicans are planning to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas at the end of the month for his instrumental role in the situation at the border.

And with the election figuratively around the corner, it makes more sense to let Texas continue its operations in shutting down the border and should Trump win in November, then real action can be taken to crush illegal immigration by building the wall and conducting massive deportation operations.

Written By:
Robert Hoel

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