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 November 6, 2023

Some Democrats are turning away from 'Bidenomics' in an effort to protect themselves

Some Democrats are beginning to distance themselves from President Joe Biden's economic policies, which are also known as "Bidenomics." 

This, believe it or not, is according to the left-wing outlet NBC News.

The outlet writes, "No one seems to like 'Bidenomics,' the eponymous shorthand for Joe Biden’s economic policies — not voters, not Democratic officials, not even, at times, the president himself."

NBC, in the remainder of its report, goes on to back this statement up, using, among other things, recent surveys that have found that Americans are not too keen on "Bidenomics."

The outlet, for example, reports, "In a September focus group with Pennsylvania swing voters, one participant told the research firm Engagious that the concept was a 'jumbled mess,' adding that 'it’s really hard to explain.'"

Later on in the piece, NBC hints at the real problem here. It is that that "Bidenomics," whatever it is, does not work. And, you do not need to have an economics degree to know this. You only have to live in America and experience the effects of Biden's economic policies.

"A University of Michigan monthly survey of attitudes toward the economy found that 20% of consumers expressed that their personal finances had deteriorated between Biden’s inauguration and September of this year," the NBC reports.

It adds, "More meaningful to Americans than the overall economic growth that Biden celebrates may be the stubborn reality that average food prices in U.S. cities have risen 20% since Biden took office. Or that the average price for a gallon of gas is $3.44 — less than it was a year ago but still about one-third higher than the pre-pandemic level."

As a result of surveys such as these, many Democrats are now attempting to distance themselves from "Bidenomics." This includes U.S. Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC).

Clyburn told the outlet that he does not "like" Bidenomics.

He explained, "The people that he [Biden] stands for don’t deal with economics. They deal with day-to-day issues. They have to educate their children and feed their families and develop their communities — and that doesn’t sound like ‘Bidenomics.'"

NBC quotes many other Democratic insiders as expressing a similar sentiment. Nonetheless, it appears that Biden and his administration, at least for now, are sticking with Bidenomics.

This week, for example, First Lady Jill Biden has planned a trip to Georgia and another trip to Pennsylvania. And, in both cases she plans to tout "Bidenomics," according to the White House.

One would have to suspect, however, that as America's view of Biden's economic policies continues to sour, Biden, with the 2024 presidential election in sight, would have to move away from "Bidenomics." We'll see.

Written By:
Oliver Winters

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