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 March 24, 2024

Senator John Fetterman comes out against EPA tailpipe rule

It appears that U.S. Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA), a Democrat, could end up voting against the Biden administration's new EPA rule. 

Fetterman suggested as much in a recent interview with E&E News.

Before we get to what Fetterman had to say, we'll briefly consider the new rule.

The Environmental Protection Agency released the rule on Wednesday, March 20, 2024. Its specific purpose is to push consumers to turn to electric vehicles, and its general purpose is to further the political left's climate change agenda.

Pros and cons

The Biden administration is trying to sell the new rule to Americans by claiming that it will cut back on greenhouse gas emissions and even save them money.

"The administration says the new standards will avoid more than seven billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions and deliver almost $100 billion in annual benefits, including $13 billion in health benefits as a result of less pollution," NPR reports.

The outlet adds, "The EPA says it expects the new rules will deliver fuel savings to consumers of up to $46 billion annually, plus savings on maintenance and repairs that the agency values at $16 billion annually."

Those are the alleged pros of the new rule.

The Washington Examiner reports the cons:

The administration has faced pushback from auto manufacturers as it attempts to deliver on its EV targets, with trade groups representing many of these manufacturers arguing that the administration's EV sales targets are not achievable in the intended time frame, risked limiting consumer choice, disadvantaging the auto industry, and triggering price hikes for all types of vehicles.

Fetterman weighs in

Several Democrats, since the release of the new rule, have suggested that they do not necessarily support it, and, among these Democrats is Fetterman.

During the E&E interview, Fetterman was asked whether he would support a measure to roll back the new EPA Rule.

"I just know it’s part of a conversation that we need to have. We need to respond to what seems to be the American consumer sentiment, what seems to be a diminished kind of enthusiasm, for EVs," Fetterman said.

E&E goes on to report that "Fetterman has been critical of the Biden administration’s environmental policies of late." The outlet then provides some examples, noting:

Last month, he suggested the White House should reconsider its pause of liquefied natural gas exports; on Monday, he posted on social media his alignment with a Washington Post op-ed from moderate Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) advocating for increased domestic oil and gas production.

Given how tight things are in the U.S. Senate, Fetterman's vote could have a huge impact on this issue.

Written By:
Oliver Winters

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