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By Mae Slater on
 June 17, 2024

Senator J.D. Vance Favored As Trump's VP Pick By Grassroots Activists: Straw Poll Shows Wide Lead Among GOP Contenders

Senator J.D. Vance has emerged as the frontrunner to become Donald Trump's running mate, as indicated by a poll at Turning Point Action's People's Convention in Detroit.

The Daily Mail reported that Vance received 43% of the vote, significantly ahead of other contenders. The poll, conducted by Big Data Poll for Turning Point Action, asked attendees to express their preferences for Trump's running mate among several candidates.

Alongside Vance, the options included North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, and Senators Marco Rubio and Tim Scott.

Vance Leads By a Significant Margin

Vance stood out with a strong 43% of the vote, while the other candidates trailed considerably. Tim Scott garnered 15.4%, Marco Rubio obtained 7.7%, and Doug Burgum received 7% of the votes. This substantial lead underscores the Ohio senator's popularity among grassroots activists.

Charlie Kirk, the founder of Turning Point Action, confirmed Vance as the clear winner. "He has consistently been one of President Trump's most capable and articulate defenders and surrogates, and he speaks right to the Midwest Americans who attended our Detroit conference," Kirk said.

Vance's emergence as a frontrunner reflects his alignment with the values and expectations of the convention's attendees.

Vance's history and political stance appear to resonate with the electorate. Since being elected to the Senate, he has established himself as a prominent supporter of Trump, despite having previously criticized the former president.

Vance's memoir "Hillbilly Elegy," which shed light on the socioeconomic struggles in rural America, significantly contributed to his prominence.

The memoir also provided insights into understanding Trump's popularity among such communities. This background gives Vance a relatable narrative that appeals to Midwest voters.

During the convention, Vance emphasized the importance of loyalty to Trump as a key quality for a vice-presidential candidate. "We need to have people who are supporting Trump, not trying to stab him in the back. It's very, very simple," Vance declared. The senator's loyalty message seems to have struck a chord with the attendees.

The previous election saw Trump selecting Mike Pence to appeal to evangelical Christians. However, current dynamics suggest Trump feels freer to choose a loyalist who will steadfastly defend him in crises.

Turning Point Action has gained considerable influence in GOP politics under Trump's leadership. The organization has positioned itself as a significant player in shaping conservative grassroots movements and opinions. Attendees at the convention also voiced their disapproval of Rep. Mike Johnson as House Speaker and Sen. Mitch McConnell as Senate Minority Leader.

In addition to voting preferences, a significant majority of attendees opposed sending more aid to Ukraine. This sentiment reflects broader conservative views on foreign aid and government expenditure.

Charlie Kirk expressed his belief that Vance is the ideal VP pick due to his youth, military background, and popularity in the Rust Belt. "He is young. He has an amazing family and is the only veteran that is being considered of the finalists. But most importantly, he's an incredibly popular, successful politician from the region of the world where Donald Trump needs to win, which is the Rust Belt," Kirk stated.

Trump's VP Considerations

Trump's shortlist for the vice-presidential slot includes Vance, Scott, Rubio, and Burgum. Each candidate brings a unique set of attributes and strengths to the table, but Vance's strong grassroots support could be a decisive factor.

Trump, introduced by Florida Rep. Byron Donalds at a Black church in Detroit, hinted that Donalds is also on the VP list. "He [Byron Donalds] is on the list by the way and I don't know if he's gonna make it but he's, ... he's on a list of a few people right?" Trump revealed, adding another layer of intrigue to his selection process.

In conclusion, Senator J.D. Vance's strong lead in the Turning Point Action's People's Convention poll highlights his potential as Donald Trump's running mate for the upcoming election. With his strong advocacy for Trump's policies and his relatable Midwestern narrative, Vance has garnered significant support from conservative grassroots activists. As Trump narrows down his VP choices, Vance's dedication and alignment with Trump's values place him in a favorable position.

Written By:
Mae Slater

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