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 October 28, 2023

Senate Democrats nitpick Justice Thomas over motorcoach loan repayment

Democrats continue to nitpick Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. 

Their latest efforts include accusing the justice of not paying back a “significant portion” of a loan he obtained to purchase what was described as a "luxury motorcoach."

Thomas's lawyer took issue with that claim, according to The Hill.

The Hill noted:

Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) published a memo Wednesday on findings looking into a loan agreement between Thomas and Tony Welters, which was first reported by The New York Times in August.

After reportedly reviewing the loan documents, the committee determined Thomas “did not repay a significant portion of the loan principal" and only paid the interest on the $267,230 total debt.

A memo produced by the committee determined that the loan was forgiven, but an attorney for Thomas, Elliot Burke, disputed the claim in a statement.

"The loan was never forgiven. Any suggestion to the contrary is false. The Thomases made all payments to Mr. Welters on a regular basis until the terms of the agreement were satisfied in full," Burke's statement read.

Sen. Wyden apparently didn't buy Burke's claim, demanding proof that the payments were made, citing claims made by the person who provided the documents to the Senate committee.

"The committee’s investigation is clear: The person who loaned Justice Thomas $267,000 provided numerous documents indicating that a substantial portion of that debt was never repaid," Wyden said.

He added, "If Justice Thomas disputes that conclusion he has an obligation to provide proof to the committee. Carefully worded statements from high-priced lawyers are not a substitute for facts."

Notably, the memo produced by the committee admitted that additional loan documents could exist that tell a different story.

"While additional documents pertaining to the loan agreement may exist and provide more clarity to the agreement, none of the documents reviewed by Committee staff indicated that Thomas ever made payments to Welters in excess of the annual interest on the loan," the memo read.

Only time will tell if Democrats continue their Thomas witch hunt, which is nothing more than a waste of everyone's time.


Written By:
Ryan Ledendecker

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