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 July 19, 2023

Sen. Ted Cruz calls for impeachment of AG Merrick Garland during Florida event

There have been growing calls from the Republican side of the aisle for the impeachment of several top officials, including Attorney General Merrick Garland and President Joe Biden himself. 

According to The Daily Wire, Sen. Ted Cruz  (R-TX) is the latest and most high-profile member of Congress to call for Garland's impeachment and Biden's if proven necessary.

Cruz made the remarks during an event in Florida this week, explaining to the audience his take on the recent bombshell accusations laid out by an IRS whistleblower.

"Look, it’s important to understand this testimony is not from right-wing Republicans," Cruz said at the event.

"It’s not from people that have an axe to grind against Joe Biden. These are career IRS employees. One of them, Gary Shapley has testified as a senior supervisory agent, another one who we only know as Mr. X. But we also know he is a gay Democrat, married to a man, and he’s a career IRS employee."

Cruz then went on to say the behaviors rise far above political lines.

"Now on the face of that that self-identified information does not suggest some right-wing activist who hates Joe Biden,” the Texas senator continued.

"What it suggests is someone who looked at this and said this is fundamentally corrupt, because but what those whistleblowers have testified to, is that Merrick Garland, the Attorney General lied, and he lied under oath to Congress in response to questioning that I asked him."

Cruz doubled down in his insistence that Garland be held accountable, reminding the audience that Garland "lied under oath."

"And let me be clear what should happen number one, I’ve called for this already, the Department of Justice needs to appoint a special counsel to investigate and prosecute Merrick Garland for lying under oath and obstruction of justice," he said.

He added: "Number two, the House of Representatives should impeach Merrick Garland."

Only time will tell if House Republicans take impeachment actions against Biden or anyone in his administration, but it looks more likely than not at this point.

Written By:
Ryan Ledendecker

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