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 October 7, 2022

Secret Service reveals concerning information about Biden's time in Delaware

The Secret Service has revealed that no records exist of the people who visit President Joe Biden in his Delaware beach house.

The agency also denied a New York Post Freedom of Information Act request regarding a visitor list, according to a new report.

"In a letter dated September 27, Secret Service deputy director Faron Paramore wrote, 'the agency conducted an additional search of relevant program offices for potentially responsive records,' according to the paper," Fox News reported.

"'This search also produced no responsive records,' the letter read. 'Accordingly, your appeal is denied,'" it added.

The concerning privacy around the president's visitors stands in strong contrast with Biden's claims to be transparent with the American people. Instead of meeting in official visits at the White House, Biden has held numerous unofficial meetings with unknown individuals and groups.

The problem is complicated by the many days Biden has spent in Delaware. The president has spent about a quarter of his time in his other home, leaving plenty of time for a wide variety of undocumented meetings.

Written By:
Benjamin Clark

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