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 January 31, 2024

Sam Altman and Hillary Clinton share visions for teens using AI, child well-being

According to a poll that was released on Monday by Common Sense Media, a national survey indicated that the majority of adolescents and children believe that politicians are making decisions that do not reflect their requirements.

While the White House has shown hesitance about the use of AI, figures like OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and former first lady Hillary Clinton are pushing what they consider the appropriate usage of artificial intelligence, as ABC News reported.

The organization held its first-ever conference at Pier 27 in San Francisco, bringing together activists, researchers, youth leaders, legislators, and corporate executives.

Among those who attended were OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The purpose of the summit was to explore the most significant difficulties that are now being faced by children and young families.

Attendees expressed their concept of what a perfect and secure internet might be like, including comments that urged parents to exercise control over their children's internet use, while others spoke for the importance of children's creative expression.

"Statistics around children's wellbeing, poverty, education, health, continue to haunt our nation," said former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

According to the findings of a survey conducted by Common Sense Media among adolescents aged 12 to 17, sixty percent of the respondents are of the opinion that politicians are not making judgments that are adequate to meet their requirements.

The study also discovered that the majority of respondents stated that being a parent is currently more difficult financially than it has ever been in comparison to previous times.

According to the findings of the poll, the majority of respondents emphasized the need for greater access to mental health resources through our educational system as well as the requirement for a child tax credit, which is a tax break for children who meet certain criteria.

"You know we are now having debates in our congress and in states as to whether we're going to provide free lunch to kids in school, something I thought was resolved decades ago," Clinton said.

Clinton also announced in her message to policymakers is "you just can never rest."

In October of last year, President Biden signed an Executive Order with the purpose of ensuring that the United States of America is at the forefront of meeting the challenges posed by artificial intelligence (AI) while also harnessing its potential benefits.

The Executive Order establishes new standards for the safety and security of artificial intelligence, safeguards the privacy of Americans, improves equity and civil rights, makes a stand for consumers and workers, encourages innovation and competition, and boosts American leadership in international affairs, among other potential benefits.

Executive Order expands on prior steps taken by the President, including work that led to voluntary commitments from 15 top firms to support safe, secure, and trustworthy development of artificial intelligence. This Executive Order is part of the entire strategy for responsible innovation that the Biden-Harris Administration has implemented.

Written By:
Charlotte Tyler

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