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 September 23, 2023

Ron DeSantis's presidential campaign near the end, political fallout could damage his standing in Florida

Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis is having a difficult time getting his presidential campaign off the ground, and some believe it may be hurting him in his own state, Breitbart reported. There are rumblings that many believe his run will "end in failure" against former President Donald Trump. 

After Politico interviewed "nearly two dozen lobbyists, political consultants, and lawmakers," the news outlet found that DeSantis is already losing clout within his own state. The question of how long it will take for him to realize the futility of his White House run and how it will ultimately end will impact his political future in the Sunshine State, the publication said.

Still, DeSantis believes he's in a good position after working closely with the legislature to get his agenda passed. "I don’t know that there was any meat left on the bone after this legislative session," DeSantis said.

"If you look on issue after issue, we jointly work together to tackle this stuff head-on," he added. Politico believes his full-steam-ahead agenda may have accomplished much but also has turned off some Republicans tired of the fight.

DeSantis successfully implemented tax cuts, protected parental rights, and, most notably, stopped the radicals in their tracks on issues like pushing critical race theory and child mutilations in the name of radical gender ideology. However, the news outlet said a "major lobbyist in Tallahassee" has claimed state Republicans are happy DeSantis is running out of steam.

"There’s no love lost between the Legislature and DeSantis. … They are faking it," the unnamed source told Politico.

"They are waiting long enough to see the king drained of all his power. It’s a slow-motion coup," the person added.

A seasoned political strategist in the state said that the mood has shifted within the DeSantis presidential campaign. "You don’t get the assumption they are measuring drapes anymore — they are waiting for him to drop out," the anonymous source said.

Meanwhile, other external forces indicate that the DeSantis presidential campaign may be dead in the water. All Republican candidates were required to sign a pledge that they would support whoever the GOP nominee was, but that requirement was rescinded at the same time Trump dug his heels in about not signing onto it.

"Why would I sign it?" Trump said on Newsmax. "I can name three or four people that I wouldn’t support for president. So right there, there’s a problem," he added.

When DeSantis first entered the race, he was polling 16 points behind Trump, with the governor at 30.1% and the former president at 45.9%. That gap has widened to 45 points, with DeSantis at 12.7% and Trump ticking up to 57.9%.

By conventional wisdom, DeSantis should be far and away in the lead over Trump. The governor has had provable successes while the former president is facing four indictments and will likely continue to face legal woes well after the 2024 presidential election.

Still, Trump enjoys a greater lead as DeSantis slips further behind in the all-important early primary state of New Hampshire. The governor is currently polling in fifth place, coming in behind the unpopular former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

Despite these dire predictions and statistics, there is still plenty of time for DeSantis and his team to make up ground. The 2024 election is still months away, and so much can happen during that time.

Written By:
Christine Favocci

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