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 August 14, 2023

Republicans accuse Joe Biden of endangering Americans with release of five Iranian-Americans

GOP lawmakers believe that President Joe Biden's administration deal to release five Iranian-Americans "endangers" Americans by "bowing to the Ayatollah," Breitbart reported. In exchange for sending the five from prison to house arrest, the U.S. released a "handful" of Iranian prisoners and unfroze $6 billion in seized assets.

The five Americans were serving time for alleged espionage charges as the corrupt Iranian regime continues to operate amid political unrest. Due to the untrustworthiness of the regime, it's unclear whether the Americans were taken for a legitimate reason in the first place.

However, that didn't stop the Biden administration from rolling over and rewarding America's adversary. The billions turned over to Iran were "frozen funds in South Korea" that they demanded "will be unblocked and transferred to Qatar" as part of the deal.

It's obvious that this kind of deal will only incentivize Iran and other countries to imprison Americans or blatantly take them as hostages. Several Republican lawmakers pointed out the profound mistake that the Biden administration has made in this situation.

"President Biden is releasing $6 billion to the world’s largest state sponsor of terror," South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, who is also running for president, tweeted. "U.S. sanctions have been critical in deterring the dangerous Iranian regime. Bowing to the Ayatollah endangers Americans at home and abroad."

Fellow Republican presidential candidate Mike Pence also tweeted his disapproval of the move. "While I welcome the release of American hostages, the American people should know that @POTUS Biden has authorized the largest ransom payment in American history to the Mullahs in Tehran," the former vice president concluded.

"Releasing $6 billion to the butchers in Tehran just so American hostages can go to a different type of prison is a terrible deal. Iran shouldn’t profit from holding Americans hostage," former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in his tweet after the news broke.

"While we always welcome the release of American hostages—if they are in fact released after President Biden pays Iran $6 billion in ransom—this craven act of appeasement will only embolden the ayatollahs to take more hostages" Republican Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas tweeted. In a follow-up tweet, he warned of the serious repercussions.

"Iran will also use these ill-gotten gains to attack our troops, fund terrorism, and arm Russia," Cotton wrote. "This cycle will continue until President Biden stops dancing to Iran’s tune and starts responding firmly and decisively to their aggression," he added.

New York Rep. Nicole Malliotakis slammed Biden for this deal, which she called "lopsided" in her tweet. "The USA should NOT be handing over BILLIONS to the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism," she said.

"And Iran KEEPS American hostages? This makes no sense and only encourages more kidnappings and other bad behavior!" Malliotakis pointed out.

"Gas prices are up again across the U.S. amid record inflation fueled by the Biden Admin," Rep. Alex Mooney (R-WV) began in his tweet about the terrible deal. "Biden just gave Iran $6 billion to fund terrorism," he added.

"I want Americans to come home without emboldening bad guys. Another lopsided deal that encourages hostile behavior from our enemies," Mooney concluded.

This deal is yet another sign of America's weakness under Biden. Unfortunately, it's very likely that the Republican lawmakers who are predicting dire consequences will be proven correct.

Written By:
Christine Favocci

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