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 October 14, 2023

Republican senator calls for Biden official's firing over intelligence failures

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) called for President Joe Biden to fire national security adviser Jake Sullivan over intelligence failures related to Israel's terror attacks.

Blackburn called for his immediate removal in a recent letter to the president.

The letter

Blackburn wrote that Sullivan “has routinely misled the entire government about the status of security threats around the world.”

“Yet, to date, over 1,200 Israelis have been killed, over 150 hostages have been taken from the safety of their homes, and at least 27 American lives have been lost, with at least 14 Americans still missing,” Blackburn wrote concerning Americans in Israel.

'Immediate removal'

Blackburn also took to social media to criticize Sullivan, calling for his time in the Biden administration to end.

"Jake Sullivan has been a foreign policy disaster," she posted to X, formerly Twitter.

"He botched the Afghanistan withdrawal, was involved in the failed Iran nuclear deal, and has eased sanctions on Iran while not enforcing others.
I am calling for his immediate removal," Blackburn continued.

Wrong on Iran, too

"His policies of appeasement toward Iran have only emboldened the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism," Blackburn wrote concerning Iran in the letter.

"Sullivan had direct influence in establishing the remarkably flawed 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), commonly referred to as the Iran nuclear deal," she noted.

Sullivan's weaknesses have come under scrutiny over the past week as Israel faced its worst day of attacks since the Holocaust.

More than 1,200 died in the first four days of the Hamas terrorist attacks, including nearly two dozen Americans. An unknown number of American hostages, along with Israeli hostages, are currently held under the control of Hamas.

Israel is currently fighting back, striking targets in the Gaza Strip. Blackburn believes that removing Sullivan is a key part of America's response, seeking a new adviser who will more accurately communicate what is taking place in the Middle East on behalf of the nation.

Written By:
Dillon Burroughs

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