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 October 20, 2023

Republican Newt Gingrich calls for censure of 'Squad' Democrats over support of terrorists

Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich called of the infamous Democrat "Squad" to be censured for their support of terrorist organization Hamas.

During an interview on Fox Business's Kudlow on Thursday, Gingrich blasted Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), and Ilhan Omar (D-MN), for their reprehensible attacks on Israel and disguised support of terrorists.

Gingrich stated, "The Democratic Party is led from the Left. It's intimidated by the Left. But you have nine or 10 members ... that are just totally pro-terrorist. These people are pro-terrorist, and that's what they should be called. There's no question in my mind that AOC and Ilhan [Omar] and Tlaib and their friends are just plain pro-terrorist members. The House ought to censure them."

While some of the squad Democrats have been more tactful in supporting Hamas by calling for a ceasefire, others have been open and brazen about their antisemitism and their support of terror.

Representative Tlaib in particular led pro-Palestinian protestors in taking over a federal building this week, an incident that many called an insurrection in connection to the treatment of January 6th protestors.

Unacceptable conduct

Many Americans have different views of Israel and the United State's relationship with them, but at no point is it acceptable to advocate for terrorists who brutally slaughtered civilians on October 7th.

Gingrich pointed out that, "She [Tlaib] will not condemn Islamic Jihad. None of them have condemned the killing of babies, none of them have condemned the raping of women, none of them have condemned taking grandmothers hostage."

The horror perpetrated by Hamas on October 7th will not be soon forgotten by the people of Israel. However, as far as radical Democrats are concerned, the actions of terrorists were "justified."

Tlaib and her allies have introduced a resolution in Congress calling for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.

Democrats want Israel to cease their attacks on the organization that is responsible for killing hundreds of innocent Israeli's and wounding thousands.

Thankfully, President Joe Biden seems to have rejected the stance of many of his Democrat supporters by condemning talks of a ceasefire and fully supporting Israel's right to retaliate against terrorism.

Democrats splitting

President Biden and many of the less radical Democrats have come out in support of Israel. For many the choice between supporting our ally or supporting an oppressive terrorist regime isn't a difficult one.

This has created serious tension between Biden and the radical members of his party. Representative Omar went as far as to call out President Biden in what many observers described as a fit of rage over the President's support of Israel.

The emergence of such an intense divide between older Democrats and viciously antisemitic younger Democrats doesn't bode well for the party as a whole.

Written By:
Robert Hoel

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