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 February 3, 2024

Report reveals new info about rift between Prince William and Prince Harry

A new report from The Times suggests that a "heated" conversation between Princes William and Harry could be to blame for the dissension among the brothers. 

Many, of course, believe that Meghan Markle - Harry's wife - is to blame for the dissension. But, The Times report suggests that there could be another cause.

The conversation between Harry and William is said to have taken place before Harry met Meghan Markle.

The Daily Mail reports, "[P]alace insiders claim that the origins of the brothers' disagreement predates the Duke of Sussex's relationship with Meghan Markle. Instead, they trace the royal rift to the brothers' differing approach to wildlife conservation."

The Daily Mail reports that both Harry and William agreed that certain wildlife needs to be conserved, but the outlet reports that the brothers disagreed about how to go about the conservation effort.

"They said while the Prince of Wales was said to support community-led initiatives to help local people conserve the land, the Duke of Sussex favored a more interventionist approach," the outlet reports.

Generally speaking, Williams' approach to the problem would seem to be more in line with a right-wing approach to political issues, while Harry's interventionist solution would certainly be more of a left-wing approach.

If true, then this disagreement goes far beyond conserving wildlife. What we are looking at, here, is two people with two very different worldviews, and this is the sort of disagreement that could cause serious dissension, even among family members.

This, of course, is not to say that Markle is not another source of dissension. It is just to say that there might be more to the story than just William is upset with Harry's decision to marry Markle.

The Daily Mail, in its report, describes how "Harry's hands-on methods" recently "came under scrutiny."

Accordingly to the outlet, they did so after recent reports that Harry was "warned about rapes and human rights abuses by rangers employed by African Parks, a charity of which he was President for six years, before moving on to the governing board of directors last year."

The outlet adds, "The claims, which were also reported by The Mail on Sunday, included allegations of park rangers raping a young mother while she held her two-month-old baby, and another sex attack on an 18-year-old boy."

As a result, Harry has faced calls for his resignation.

However, Harry has managed to hold on to the position especially considering that much of the attention directed at him has nothing to do with his conservation efforts.

Written By:
Oliver Winters

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