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 April 27, 2023

Report confirms that Joe Biden's presidential campaign engineered intelligence community letter to protect campaign

Breitbart News has published a report highlighting the fact that it now appears that President Joe Biden and his 2020 presidential campaign orchestrated the defense that Biden used in response to the Hunter Biden laptop bombshell. 

A big news item from last week came from Republicans in the House Judiciary Committee.

Committee Republicans released an excerpt from a deposition that they did with former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell.

In that deposition, Morell seems to claim that U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken played a significant role in the coverup of the Hunter Biden laptop story that took place just before the 2020 presidential election.

The reader will likely recall that, in the leadup to the 2020 presidential election, the New York Post published a bombshell report exposing Biden family corruption that it discovered on a laptop abandoned by Hunter Biden.

The reader will also likely remember how the powers that be quickly circled the wagons, trying in any way possible to silence and discredit the story. The common line was that the laptop was "Russian disinformation." In fact, 51 U.S. intelligence officials even signed a letter to this effect.

Now, we know that this is not true: the laptop is not "Russian disinformation." And, what's more is that we now know that U.S. intelligence knew that it wasn't "Russian disinformation."

In the excerpt released by the committee, Morell suggests that Blinken was the driving force behind this letter. At the time, Blinken was Biden's senior campaign advisor.

Breitbart News, in its report, points out the other side to this story, which is that then-candidate Biden went on to use this letter as his primary defense against the Hunter Biden laptop story.

During a presidential debate, for example, Biden said:

There are 50 former national intelligence folks who said that what…[President Donald Trump is] accusing me of is a Russian plan. They have said that this has all the characteristics — four — five former heads of the CIA, [of] both parties, say what he’s [Trump] saying is a bunch of garbage.

Take a look:

Something that has to be remembered, here, is that polls have demonstrated - multiple times - that the suppression of the Post's Hunter Biden laptop story significantly impacted the 2020 presidential election.

The question now is whether anyone will be held accountable for this. We'll see.

Written By:
Oliver Winters

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