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By Sarah May on
 June 16, 2023

Rep. Lauren Boebert announces new articles of impeachment against Biden

As numerous controversies continue to build and swirl around President Joe Biden, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) this week announced her decision to file new articles of impeachment against the commander in chief, declaring him “not capable” of serving in the role he currently occupies, as Breitbart reports.

Speaking on the Benny Johnson Show, Boebert explained, “I have filed articles of impeachment now in this Congress just as I did in the last Congress, but I did it in a very special way.”

“This time, I was sure to draft these so they can be brought up as a privileged resolution on the House floor at any time,” Boebert added.

Boebert told Fox News that “Under Rule IX in the House, we can bring up certain pieces of legislation under a privileged motion. So I would go to the House floor and call up my articles of impeachment and read it in its entirety. And at that point, leadership has a maximum of two days to respond and see if it's going to be sent to committee or a vote on the articles themselves.”

Making the broader case for her decision, the Colorado Republican continued, “We know that Joe Biden is not capable of walking upstairs or standing on stage without being sandbagged,” referencing his recent tumble at the Air Force Academy commencement ceremony.”

“So I would love to see our committees actually do their job and bring up articles of impeachment in committee and have hearings and investigations with these so we can get more information out to the American people,” Boebert declared.

A press release from Boebert's office expanded further on the articles of impeachment introduced by the congresswoman, saying that they are centered largely on what she views as the president's “dereliction of duty at the southern border.”

According to the communication, Boebert asserts that “Joe Biden unconstitutionally violated his duty under Article II of the Constitution to 'take care that the laws be faithfully executed' by intentionally disregarding our immigration laws and enabling an invasion along our southern border.”

“Joe Biden is unable and unwilling to faithfully execute to office of President of the United States,” Boebert went on. “To preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution, it is imperative that the House of Representatives impeach Joe Biden and hold him accountable for his egregious violations of his oath of office,” she added.

The actual text of Boebert's impeachment articles blasts Biden for “pursuing an aggressive, open-borders agenda by purposefully and knowingly releasing more than 2,000,000 illegal aliens into the interior of the United States without the intention or ability to ensure that they appear in immigration court to face asylum or deportation proceedings.”

The articles go on to allege that Biden “has intentionally facilitated a complete and total invasion at the southern border” by ending the Migrant Protection Protocols, closing federal detention facilities, and refusing to cooperate with state and local authorities to secure the border.

As a result of all of the aforementioned conduct and more, Boebert says, Biden “has endangered the security of the United States and the health and safety of the American people” and has “caused a national security crisis” necessitating impeachment.

Not content to let the matter rest with her own introduction of impeachment articles, Fox News noted that Boebert this week also co-sponsored articles of impeachment of Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris introduced by Rep. Andy Ogles (R-TN), as Fox News further noted.

Though the border crisis formed the crux of Boebert's latest articles against the president, Rep. Nick Langworthy (R-NY) suggested this week that allegations of Biden's past participation in a bribery scheme involving a foreign national could also potentially form the basis of such a process, saying, “If [the Bidens] were selling actual governmental decisions by the U.S. government, that's a high crime and misdemeanor...and everything must be on the table...including impeachment.”

Written By:
Sarah May

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