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 October 22, 2023

Rep. Dean Phillips will reportedly challenge Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination

President Joe Biden is already struggling on a number of levels regarding his 2024 presidential campaign and ambitions to hold the White House for a second term. 

According to The Daily Wire, he might soon have to worry about another person chipping away at his potential voters, as Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) will reportedly challenge the president for the Democratic nomination.

Phillips has made it clear that he doesn't believe Biden has what it takes to secure a general election win next year.

The outlet noted:

Phillips has played footsie with the idea for months as he has tried to encourage other, more prominent Democrats to jump into the race after saying earlier this year that he planned on running for president one day, but he wasn’t sure if he was ready at this moment in time.

He's set to launch his bid from New Hampshire on Oct. 27, but also warned that he might back out of it.

Phillips warned in a previous statement that he doesn't believe Biden can win next year, but admitted that he believes there are higher-profile Democrats who could step in and challenge the incumbent.

"So my call is to those who are well positioned, well prepared, have good character and competency, they know who they are, to jump in, because Democrats and the country need competition," Phillips said at the time,

He later added: "I do not believe I’m well positioned to run for it right now. People who are should jump in because we need to meet the moment. The moment is now. That is what the country is asking."

Even Democrats who might be ok with the idea of a challenger for Biden said that Phillips is simply too late to the game, and if he was serious, should have kicked off a campaign six months ago.

President Biden is already struggling in hypothetical matchup polls against former President Donald Trump, and stands to lose even more ground from competitors like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who's now running as an independent.

Cornel West and other challengers could hamstring Biden's 2024 campaign, robbing him of precious votes he'll need in order to compete with a strong Republican opponent.

Only time will tell if Phillips actually goes through with the announcement.

Written By:
Ryan Ledendecker

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